
OIF Leads the Charge for Interoperability at ECOC 2024

34 Member Companies to Showcase Cutting-Edge Solutions, OIF Experts to Speak in Three Market Focus Sessions

Fremont, Calif. – OIF today unveiled new details on its live interoperability demonstrations at ECOC 2024, highlighting advancements across critical areas such as 800ZR, 400ZR and multi-span optics; Common Electrical I/O (CEI) CEI-112G and CEI-224G; Common Management Interface Specification (CMIS) and Energy Efficient Interfaces (EEI) & Co-Packaging.

The demonstrations showcased in Booth #B83 Sept. 23-25 in Frankfurt, Germany, feature collaboration among 34 member companies and highlight the organization’s leadership in interoperability across a range of cutting-edge technologies.

In addition to the demonstrations, OIF experts will lead Market Focus Sessions on Coherent Optics, CMIS and EEI.

“Live interoperability demonstrations are essential for the industry to witness firsthand the seamless integration of technologies,” said Dave Brown, OIF Director of Communications, and Nokia. “OIF’s demos at ECOC, featuring contributions from system, component and test-equipment vendors, underscore OIF’s leadership in interoperability across key technologies that are crucial in shaping the standards that will define the next decade of our industry.”

Interoperability Demonstrations at Booth #B83

800ZR, 400ZR and Multi-Span Optics – Unveiling Optical Breakthroughs: The pluggable coherent optics demonstration will showcase progress in the latest advancements in 800ZR, 400ZR and ZR+ optics interoperability, offering a comprehensive view of their capabilities and applications. The demo highlights include the first public 800ZR multivendor DSP interop; OpenZR+, 100ZR and OpenROADM/ITU-T, all over multiple, multi-span networks; and OIF’s foundational 400ZR collocated on the same single-span network as 800ZR.

CEI-112G-Linear & CEI-224G Interoperability – Fast-Track to the Future: OIF is accelerating electrical interface interoperability with a suite of 224Gbps and 112Gbps CEI multi-vendor demonstrations spanning a variety of applications that form the foundation of next-generation optical connectivity. The CEI-224G demonstrations include a diversity of link types from Very Short Reach (VSR) to Long Reach (LR) and linear interfaces leveraging specifications spearheaded by the OIF. The CEI-112G demonstration displays the breadth and depth of linear pluggable optics with interoperability from multiple vendors over various link types.

CMIS – Path to Plug & Play: OIF members will demonstrate physical layer management interoperability across diverse network equipment and pluggables enabled by CMIS. The demonstration includes the CMIS industry-standard management interface for a common network control platform, showing interoperability among different plug types, switches/routers and test-measurement equipment, all operating with CMIS.

EEI and Co-Packaging – Revolutionizing Connectivity: OIF members will display a conceptual demo of AI compute and live PCIe optical links, all using next-generation EEI, as well as live demos showcasing the latest advancements for ELSFP, external laser source faceplate pluggable, for co-packaging.

Participating member companies include:
Adtran, Alphawave Semi, Amphenol, Anritsu, AOI, Astera Labs, Cadence Design Systems Inc., CICT/Accelink, Cisco, Coherent Corp., EXFO, HG Genuine, Hisense, Infinera, Innolight, Juniper Networks, Keysight Technologies, Lessengers, Linktel Technologies, Lumentum, MACOM Technology Solutions, Marvell, Molex, MultiLane, Nokia, O-Net Technologies, Samtec, Semtech, Senko Advanced Components, Sumitomo Electric Industries, Synopsys, TE Connectivity, US Conec and Wilder Technologies.

OIF Experts to Share Insights in Market Focus Sessions

In addition to the live interoperability demonstrations, OIF experts will contribute their knowledge in three Market Focus Sessions, offering insights into key industry trends and technological advancements:

  • “Coherent Optics in the Datacenter”

Monday, Sept. 23, 2024, from 1:20 pm-1:35 pm CEST

Presenter: Karl Gass, OIF Physical and Link Layer (PLL) Working Group (WG) Optical Vice Chair

  • “CMIS – Is Plug-and-Play Possible?”

Monday, Sept. 23, 2024, from 2:20 pm-2:35 pm CEST

Presenter: Doug Cattarusa, OIF Editor, Cisco

  • “Energy Efficient Interfaces for the Next Generation of AI Compute”

Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024, from 11:20 am-11:35 am CEST

Presenter: Jeff Hutchins, OIF Board Member and PLL WG EEI Vice Chair, Ranovus

For further details, please visit:


About OIF

OIF is where the optical networking industry’s interoperability work gets done. With more than 25 years of effecting forward change in the industry, OIF represents the dynamic ecosystem of 150+ industry leading network operators, system vendors, component vendors and test equipment vendors collaborating to develop interoperable electrical, optical and control solutions that directly impact the industry’s ecosystem and facilitate global connectivity in the open network world. Connect with OIF on LinkedIn, on X at @OIForum and at


PR Contact:
Leah Wilkinson
Wilkinson + Associates for OIF


OIF Highlights 400ZR, Co-Packaging Architectures, CEI-112G & CEI-224G and CMIS Implementations Interoperability Among 30+ Global Companies; Hosts Special Anniversary Events at OFC 2023

Fremont, Calif.—February 22, 2023 – At OFC 2023, OIF will host more than 30 member companies for its largest-ever interoperability demonstration, a special technology session and reception to commemorate its 25th anniversary and will participate in two show floor program sessions showcasing OIF’s work. OIF also announced the availability of a white paper highlighting the findings from a 400ZR Interoperability Plugfest held in January.

“This year’s OFC is the ideal platform for OIF and its members to showcase multivendor interoperability and to celebrate 25 years of interop work critical in moving the industry forward,” said Nathan Tracy, TE Connectivity and OIF Market Awareness & Education Committee Co-Chair, Physical & Link Layer (PLL).

Record-setting Interoperability Demo – 400ZR, Co-Packaging, CEI-112G & CEI-224G and CMIS

OIF’s multivendor interoperability demo at OFC will feature 34 member companies in live demonstrations in OIF’s booth, #5101, in four areas: 400ZR optics, Co-Packaging architectures, Common Electrical I/O (CEI) architectures and Common Management Interface Specification (CMIS) implementations.

400ZR Demo

OIF’s 400ZR project is critical in facilitating the reduction of cost and complexity for high bandwidth data center interconnects and promoting interoperability among optical module manufacturers. This year’s public demonstration includes nearly double the number of participants over last year, including links to multiple collaborator’s booths using OFCnet, OFC’s high-speed optical network. The demo consists of a full implementation of 400GE across a 75km, DWDM ecosystem using multiple module, router, open line system, and test equipment vendors, demonstrating that the project achieved its interoperability goals.

Co-Packaging Demo

OIF continues to lead the industry’s efforts to enable co-packaging solutions utilizing interoperable electrical and optical interfaces featuring low power and high bandwidth edge densities. This co-packaging demo will show OIF’s considerable progress toward that objective since OFC 2022. This year’s interop demonstrations include pivotal multi-vendor elements to enable co-packaging architectures, including live demos for the External Laser Small Form Factor Pluggable (ELSFP) external laser source form factor, co-packaged 3.2T copper cable assemblies, an operating linear optical module, and a variety of optical connectivity solutions as well as an expanded set of OIF member participants representing the growing ecosystem.

 CEI Demo

As the industry looks forward to higher data rates and increased throughput for the next generation of systems based on 224 Gbps per lane, new specifications and technologies will be required. OIF is leading the charge on 224G hardware interconnection application spaces and definitions, demonstrating 224G transmitter and receiver SerDes operation across different vendor channels.

Multiple live CEI demonstrations featuring interoperability amongst 16 participating members prove the critical role OIF serves as well as the developing supplier ecosystem. The CEI-112G demonstrations will feature multi-party silicon supplier interoperability over various Long Reach (LR) channels, including mated compliance boards, PCB channels, direct attach passive, active, and linearly boosted copper cable channels. Optics modules demonstrating VSR links will also be on display, as well as multi-vendor interop traversing single mode and multimode CEI Linear interfaces. Each configuration demonstrates the technical viability of 112 Gbps operation and multiple industry form factors, including SFP, QSFP, OSFP and QSFP-DD. The demo will also show a measured far-end linear eye diagram on an oscilloscope with analysis to show an example of the silicon signal integrity.

CMIS Implementations Demo

CMIS has established itself as the management interface of choice for next generation pluggable modules, capable of managing both simple and advanced modules. CMIS provides a well-defined mechanism to initialize and manage optical and copper modules in a standard way, while still providing the capability to provide custom functionality. This commonality makes integration into different host platforms easier for both the host vendor and the module vendor. The live CMIS demo will show a variety of CMIS managed modules and a copper cable in routers and switches from different vendors and showcases how modules are managed in a real-world application.

Participating Companies

The live and static interoperable optical networking solutions demo will feature 34 OIF member companies – ADVA; Alphawave Semi; Amphenol; Astera Labs; Cadence Design Systems, Inc.; Casela Technologies; Ciena; Cisco Systems; Coherent; ColorChip Group; EXFO; InnoLight Technology; Juniper Networks; Keysight Technologies; Lumentum; MACOM Technology Solutions Inc.; Marvell; Microchip Technology; Molex; MultiLane, Inc.; NEC Corporation; Nokia; O-Net Technologies; Precision Optical Transceivers, Inc.; Quantifi Photonics; Samtec; Senko Advanced Components; Sicoya; Source Photonics; Sumitomo Electric Industries; Synopsys; TE Connectivity; US Conec, and Wilder Technologies.

Special 25th Anniversary Tech Showcase

To commemorate its 25th anniversary during OFC, OIF will host a special one-hour session, “Bringing Order to Chaos – OIF,” on Wednesday, March 8 at 3 pm PT in Theater III.

This dynamic session will feature Stephen Hardy, editorial director of Lightwave, and a panel of industry analysts and OIF experts discussing how OIF has helped bring order to a chaotic marketplace over the past 25 years and debate the challenges ahead for OIF and the optical networking industry.

Attendees will learn:

– How OIF’s member-driven model leverages collaboration and consensus to solve complex industry challenges

– What current and trending challenges are in play


  • Karl Gass, OIF PLL Working Group Optical Vice Chair
  • Vladimir Kozlov, Founder and CEO, LightCounting
  • Sterling Perrin, Senior Principal Analyst, Optical Networks and Transport, Heavy Reading
  • Nathan Tracy, OIF Market Awareness & Education Committee Co-Chair, PLL; Technologist, System Architecture Team, TE Connectivity
  • Alan Weckel, Founder and Technology Analyst, 650 Group

25th Anniversary Reception

A celebration reception will be held Wednesday, March 8, at 4 pm PT at OIF booth #5101.

Show Floor Programs

Wednesday, March 8, 1 pm-2 pm PT in Theater II

“Defining 800ZR and 800LR; An OIF Update”

Moderator: Karl Gass, OIF PLL Working Group Optical Vice Chair


  • Josef Berger, Associate Vice President, Optical and Copper Connectivity Group, Marvell
  • Sebastien Gareau, Systems Architect, Ciena
  • Scott Wilkinson, Lead Analyst, Optical Components, Cignal AI
  • Tom Williams, Director of Technical Marketing, Cisco Systems

Thursday, March 9, 12:15 pm-1:15 pm PT in Theater II

“Enabling Next Generation Co-Packaging Solutions”

Moderator: Jeff Hutchins, OIF PLL Working Group Co-Packaging Vice Chair and Board Member; CTO Office, Ranovus


  • Kenneth Jackson, Product Marketing Director, Sumitomo Electric Device Innovations, USA
  • Yi Tang, Principal Hardware Engineer, Cisco
  • Nathan Tracy, OIF MA&E Committee Co-Chair, PLL; Technologist, System Architecture Team, TE Connectivity
  • Richard Ward, Chief Technologist Data Connectivity, Astera Labs

400ZR Interoperability Plugfest White Paper

This new OIF white paper presents the methodology and results of an interoperability study of 400ZR transceivers conducted during a performance testing plugfest held in late January. Twelve different transceivers were cross-connected in a matrix of combinations (Tx-Rx) using a noise-loaded link to characterize the penalties associated with interoperability between suppliers. The white paper is available here.

About OIF

OIF is where the optical networking industry’s interoperability work gets done. Celebrating 25 years of effecting forward change in the industry, OIF represents the dynamic ecosystem of 140+ industry leading network operators, system vendors, component vendors and test equipment vendors collaborating to develop interoperable electrical, optical and control solutions that directly impact the industry’s ecosystem and facilitate global connectivity in the open network world. Connect with OIF at @OIForum, on LinkedIn and at


PR Contact:

Leah Wilkinson

Wilkinson + Associates for OIF



OIF Q4 Technical and MA&E Committees Meeting Results in Working Group Chair Re-Elections, White Paper, and 400ZR Demo Survey Availability

Guest speaker from Hawaiian Telcom shared an overview of its network investment, and its continued efforts to push the network edge closer to the customer

Fremont, Calif.—November 22, 2022 – OIF’s Q4 Technical and MA&E Committees Meeting, held in person and virtually November 1-3, 2022, in Kona, Hawaii, included guest speaker Francis Alueta, Hawaiian Telcom and resulted in the release of a new white paper, a 400ZR survey, and re-elections of two new Working Group chairs.

White Paper – Management of External Light Sources and Co-packaged Optical Engines

Properly managing optical engines and external light sources requires an efficient system management architecture. A newly launched white paper from OIF outlines the recommended system management architecture that enables co-packaged optical transceivers to use lasers as external light sources. It also describes how OIF’s Common Management Interface Specification (CMIS) can manage transceivers and light sources. The key feature is placing the intelligence for controlling the continuous wave light sources in the host board controller, not in the optical engines.

Working Group Chairs Re-Election

Also, during the meeting, OIF members re-elected Working Group Chairs (for two-year terms):

  • Mike Klempa, Alphawave IP Group – Physical & Link Layer (PLL) Interoperability Working Group Chair
  • Jeffery Maki, Juniper Networks – Physical Layer User Group Working Group Chair


Guest Speaker – Francis Alueta, Hawaiian Telcom

As Director, Network Reliability, Alueta, presented a high-level overview of Hawaiian Telcom’s investment in its next-generation network, the landmark Southeast Asia (SEA) US Trans-Pacific Cable System and backbone transport network. Next generation network plans include pushing a low-latency network edge closer to the customer and deploying a resilient, 400G backbone network. He also outlined some of the unique challenges they face as an island chain, geographic limits to route and path diversity options and climate change.

“Big Mahalo for OIF allowing me to present an overview of the architectural and operational challenges we have to overcome, as we transform our network,” said Alueta. “The work OIF continues to do will allow us to address those challenges and ensure a resilient network for our customers and the people of Hawaii.”


400ZR Demonstrations and Plugfests Survey – Deadline December 7

OIF is launching a survey designed to gather feedback from network operators and stakeholders on OIF’s 400ZR demonstrations and plugfests. The survey also includes collecting input on the interest of an 800ZR and/or 800LR OIF demo and reaches of interest for 800G (800LR, 800ZR, > 800ZR).

The survey is available and open to all who can represent their company’s viewpoint – module vendors, system vendors and network operators. Multiple responses per company are also allowed. Responses will be collated anonymously and summarized for presentation to the public. Interested parties, please email The deadline for completing the survey is December 7.

“OIF members guide its demos and plugfests, and this survey supports new directions encouraged by our Interoperability Working Group Chair,” said Karl Gass, OIF PLL Working Group – Optical Vice Chair. “Leveraging the pre-demonstration plugfest as an opportunity to collect quantitative measurements of interoperability with multiple vendors provides critical input for current and future (800ZR) Implementation Agreements.”


About OIF

OIF is where the optical networking industry’s interoperability work gets done. Building on nearly 25 years of effecting forward change in the industry, OIF represents the dynamic ecosystem of 130+ industry leading network operators, system vendors, component vendors and test equipment vendors collaborating to develop interoperable electrical, optical and control solutions that directly impact the industry’s ecosystem and facilitate global connectivity in the open network world. Connect with OIF at @OIForum, on LinkedIn and at


PR Contact:

Leah Wilkinson

Wilkinson + Associates for OIF



OIF to Present “Co-Packaging: Charting the Path Ahead” Webinar Providing an Update on Industry Activities and the Developing Ecosystem

In partnership with Lightwave, the event will feature viewpoints from academia and industry experts, and a live Q&A

Fremont, Calif.—November 15, 2022 – OIF is driving discussion on co-packaging interoperability efforts in an upcoming webinar, “Co-Packaging: Charting the Path Ahead” being held on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 8:00am PST/10:00am CST/11:00am EST/4:00pm GMT. The free two-hour event, hosted by Lightwave, will feature unique perspectives from industry thought leaders: Astera Labs, Cisco, Huawei, Marvell, Meta, NVIDIA, Ranovus, TE Connectivity and University of California, Santa Barbara. Register here for this free event.

Join this OIF sponsored workshop to hear from industry leaders, including vendors, academia and network operators, as they provide insight on the latest in co-packaging and address the developing ecosystem and the best path forward.

“We know that co-packaging implementations bring a number of challenges including electrical channels, external lasers, optical connectivity, packaging, etc.,” explained Jeff Hutchins, Ranovus, OIF Board Member and Physical & Link Layer Working Group – Co-Packaging Vice Chair. “In this webinar, we will provide attendees with valuable information to assess this critical integration technology and discuss options for a path forward.”

Webinar agenda and participants include:

December 6, 2022 – 8:00am-10:00am PST

  • Welcome & Introduction – Stephen Hardy, Editorial Director and Associate Publisher, Lightwave
  • Co-Packaging Overview – Jeff Hutchins, Ranovus, OIF Board Member and Physical & Link Layer Working Group – Co-Packaging Vice Chair
  • Co-Packaging State of the Industry – John Bowers, Fred Kavli Distinguished Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering and Distinguished Professor, Materials, University of California, Santa Barbara

Where we are?

  • OIF Overview and Co-Packaging Overview – Nathan Tracy, TE Connectivity, OIF Market Awareness & Education Committee Co-Chair, Physical and Link Layer
  • OIF 3.2T Co-Packaged Optical (CPO) Module – Richard Ward, Astera Labs, OIF Physical & Link Layer Working Group – Co-Packaging Track’s 3.2Tb/s CPO module project editor
  • OIF External Laser Small Form Factor Pluggable (ELSFP) – Jock Bovington, Cisco Systems, OIF Physical & Link Layer Working Group – Co-Packaging Track’s ELSFP project editor
  • OIF Common Management Interface Specification (CMIS) – Todd Rope, Marvell
  • OIF Common Electrical I/O (CEI) – Matt Brown, Huawei Technologies, Inc.

What’s next: End-User Perspectives?

  • Drew Alduino, Meta Platforms, Inc.
  • Craig Thompson, NVIDIA



About OIF
OIF is where the optical networking industry’s interoperability work gets done. Building on nearly 25 years of effecting forward change in the industry, OIF represents the dynamic ecosystem of 130+ industry leading network operators, system vendors, component vendors and test equipment vendors collaborating to develop interoperable electrical, optical and control solutions that directly impact the industry’s ecosystem and facilitate global connectivity in the open network world. Connect with OIF at @OIForum, on LinkedIn and at


PR Contact:

Leah Wilkinson

Wilkinson + Associates for OIF


Office: 703-907-0010

OIF Releases Co-Packaging Framework Implementation Agreement

Framework serves as foundation for industry consensus on co-packaging with ASICs

Fremont, Calif. – OIF, the global industry forum accelerating market adoption of advanced interoperable optical networking solutions, today announced the release of a framework Implementation Agreement (IA) for co-packaging, identifying the critical co-packaged applications and their requirements and charting a path for interoperability standards.

OIF’s leadership in driving interoperability in co-packaging technologies began in 2020 when it was clear the industry needed to achieve consensus on standards. Since then, OIF members have engaged in an umbrella project to study the application spaces and relevant technology considerations for co-packaging of communication and computing interfaces with one or more ASICs.

The Co-Packaging track of OIF’s Physical & Link Layer (PLL) Working Group began by studying the application spaces contributed by the end-users. Then, it examined various related topics, including electrical and optical interfaces, thermal and mechanical considerations, reliability, safety, environmental and management interfaces. The findings of the work are summarized in the Framework Document IA.

This work also guided OIF to initiate two follow-on co-packaging projects: External Laser Small Form Factor Pluggable (ELSFP) Project, announced in May 2021, and the 3.2T Module Project, announced in March 2021.

“OIF is leading industry discussion on this critical dense integration technology,” said Jeff Hutchins, Ranovus and OIF Board Member and PLL Working Group – Co-Packaging Vice Chair. “This framework IA provides the industry with a foundation for developing interoperable energy efficient co-packaged solutions.”

“Co-packaging represents a significant change to the way high-performance communications ASICs are packaged today,” said Technical Editor of the Co-Packaging Framework IA, Kenneth Jackson, Sumitomo Electric. “This Framework document addresses many of the issues that initially challenged this new architecture and narrows the scope of achievable solutions. This is precisely what OIF excels at…identifying a gap and collaborating on a path forward towards interoperability.”

Earlier this month, OIF experts led a public webinar, “Co-Packaging Standardization Progress,” discussing the co-packaging standardization efforts that are in progress and addressing implementation challenges, including electrical channels, external lasers, optical connectivity, packaging, etc. In partnership with Lightwave, the event featured talks from industry-leading experts at Intel, Cisco, Ranovus, Sumitomo Electric and TE Connectivity. Click here for free on-demand viewing of this webinar.

About OIF
OIF is where the optical networking industry’s interoperability work gets done. Building on more than 20 years of effecting forward change in the industry, OIF represents the dynamic ecosystem of 130+ industry leading network operators, system vendors, component vendors and test equipment vendors collaborating to develop interoperable electrical, optical and control solutions that directly impact the industry’s ecosystem and facilitate global connectivity in the open network world. Connect with OIF at @OIForum, on LinkedIn and at

PR Contact:
Leah Wilkinson
Wilkinson + Associates for OIF

OIF Wraps Q1 2021 Member Meeting with New Co-Packaging Project; 3.2T Co-Packaged Module Project for Intra Data Center Switching Applications

Fremont, Calif. – Highlights from OIF’s first member meeting of the year include a new co-packaging project launch, an industry talk from Vladimir Kozlov, founder and CEO, LightCounting and a joint workshop with the Telecom Infra Project (TIP) Mandatory Use Case Requirements for SDN for Transport (MUST) project. Additionally, members elected a new Networking & Operations Working Group Chair following the meeting. The Q121 Technical and MA&E Committees Meeting was held virtually February 22-26.


OIF started a 3.2T Co-Packaged Module project for intra data center switching applications. The 3.2T Co-Packaged Optical Module Implementation Agreement (IA) is the first project initiated under the umbrella of the Co-Packaged Framework Project announced in November 2020. The IA will define a 3.2T co-packaged optical module that targets Ethernet switching applications utilizing 100G electrical lanes. It will include the following interoperability specifications:

  • Optical interface options supporting 400GBASE-FR4 and 400GBASE-DR4 with backwards compatible to 200G interfaces
  • CEI-112G-XSR high speed electrical interfaces
  • Electrical, mechanical, and management interfaces

“This 3.2T Co-Packaging project builds on OIF’s 20+ year successful track record to anticipate and address the industry’s needs,” said Jeff Hutchins, Ranovus and OIF Physical and Link Layer Working Group, Co-Packaging Vice Chair. “With its broad membership from across the eco-system, OIF is well positioned to create unified host, module and control specifications.”

“The industry has clearly articulated the need for a standardized co-packaged solution to address data center power constraints, and further, to enable new network architectures and applications,” said Mark Filer, Microsoft Principal Hardware Engineer and OIF Board Member. “The 3.2T Co-Packaged Optical Module project is a concrete step toward that goal, and OIF is uniquely qualified to rapidly execute on the implementation agreement in order to meet the market needs.”


The meeting’s guest speaker, Kozlov, provided attendees with an overview of the market for Ethernet and DWDM optics such as “ZR optics” for DCI applications, including trends, forecasts and expected changes in the supplier landscape.

“Transition from pluggable to co-packaged optics is a radical change for the industry, but there is no other way to support future bandwidth requirements of Mega Datacenters and AI clusters,” said Kozlov.


Members of the OIF Networking Interoperability Working Group and TIP MUST project held a joint workshop. The members agreed to explore potential projects to further define, validate and implement transport SDN technologies in open, disaggregated open optical networks. This work will leverage the TIP MUST reference architecture and use cases as well as the experience and findings of the successful OIF 2020 Transport SDN API Interoperability Demonstration.


Members elected Jia He, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., as the new Networking & Operations Working Group Chair.

About OIF
OIF is where the optical networking industry’s interoperability work gets done. Building on more than 20 years of effecting forward change in the industry, OIF represents the dynamic ecosystem of 100+ industry leading network operators, system vendors, component vendors and test equipment vendors collaborating to develop interoperable electrical, optical and control solutions that directly impact the industry’s ecosystem and facilitate global connectivity in the open network world. Connect with OIF at @OIForum, on LinkedIn and at

PR Contact:
Leah Wilkinson
Wilkinson + Associates for OIF
Office: 703-907-0010

OIF Launches 800G Coherent and Co-Packaging Framework IA Projects, Elects New Board Members/Positions, Officers and Working Group Chairs

Fremont, Calif. – OIF, the global industry forum accelerating market adoption of advanced interoperable optical networking solutions, today announced the start of two new projects –  800G Coherent and Co-Packaging Framework, availability of a new FlexE for 400ZR white paper, newly elected board members/positions and working group representatives. These activities and elections took place at the Q420 Technical and MA&E Committee meetings held virtually November 2-November 6, 2020.

New Projects

800G Coherent

In scope for the 800G Coherent project is to define interoperable 800G coherent line specifications for campus and DCI applications. The resulting Implementation Agreement (IA) will:

  • Define single-lambda 800G coherent line interfaces for two applications
    • Amplified, single span, DWDM links up to 80-120km
    • Unamplified, fixed wavelength links of 2-10km
  • Support Ethernet client(s) (minimum 100GE) up to 800G aggregate bandwidth

“The next standardized coherent rate beyond 400ZR will be technically challenging with many factors to be considered,” said Tad Hofmeister, Technical Lead, Optical Networking Technologies at Google and OIF Vice President. “With the 800G Coherent IA, OIF is in a unique position to take a leadership role in defining interoperable 800G coherent line interfaces for various applications.”

Co-Packaging Framework IA

The Co-Packaging Framework IA, announced on November 10, 2020, will study the application spaces and relevant technology considerations for co-packaging of communication interfaces with one or more ASICs. A primary objective of this specification is to identify new opportunities for interoperability standards for possible future work at the OIF or other standards organizations. Upon completion, the work will be summarized in a Framework IA.

White Paper

A new OIF white paper addressing 400ZR applications requiring multiplexing of lower rate Ethernet signals (e.g. 100GE) and how to leverage FlexE for this service multiplexing is now available.

The OIF 400ZR IA includes mapping of 400G Ethernet signals as defined in IEEE 802.3, but not lower rate services such as 100G Ethernet. This white paper describes utilizing the OIF FlexE Implementation Agreement multiplexing of lower service rates, such as 100G and 200G Ethernet to a 400G frame that can be carried by 400ZR devices. Example profiles are provided to guide interoperability in common scenarios.

Election Results

  • Board of Directors:
    • Ian Betty, Ciena, continues to serve on the Board and was appointed as President
    • Mark Filer, Microsoft, was elected to the Board (two-year term)
    • Tad Hofmeister, Google, continues to serve on the Board and was re-appointed as Vice President
    • Mike Li, Intel, was re-elected to the Board (one-year term)
    • Jeffery Maki, Juniper Networks, was elected to the Board (one-year term)
    • Gary Nicholl, Cisco, was re-elected to the Board (two-year term) and appointed as Secretary/Treasurer
    • Nathan Tracy, TE Connectivity, was re-elected to the Board (two-year term) and appointed as VP of Marketing
  • Officers:
    • Klaus-Holger Otto, Nokia, was elected as Technical Committee Chair
    • Karl Bois, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, was elected as Technical Committee Vice Chair
    • Lyndon Ong, Ciena, was re-elected as Market Awareness & Education Committee Co-Chair, Networking
    • Richard Ward, Intel, was elected as Market Awareness & Education Committee Co-Chair, Physical and Link Layer
    • Dave Brown, Nokia, continues to serve as Director of Communications
  • Technical Committee:
    • Michael Klempa, Amphenol, was elected as Physical and Link Layer Interoperability Working Group Chair (two-year term)
    • Jeffery Maki, Juniper Networks, was re-elected as Physical Layer User Group Working Group Chair (two-year term)

“I’m looking forward to serving OIF members as president of this vital organization and thank all those who have served and continue to serve,” said Ian Betty, Ciena and new OIF president. “OIF’s role continues to be critical in making great strides in interoperability solutions for today’s and tomorrow’s challenges. Congratulations to the entire board and those appointed to leadership positions – your role is integral to OIF’s continued success.”

About OIF
OIF is where the optical networking industry’s interoperability work gets done. Building on 20 years of effecting forward change in the industry, OIF represents the dynamic ecosystem of 100+ industry leading network operators, system vendors, component vendors and test equipment vendors collaborating to develop interoperable electrical, optical and control solutions that directly impact the industry’s ecosystem and facilitate global connectivity in the open network world. Connect with OIF at @OIForum, on LinkedIn and at

PR Contact:
Leah Wilkinson
Wilkinson + Associates for OIF
Office: 703-907-0010


OIF Approves CEI-224G Development Project, Reviews Co-packaging of Optics with ASICs Workshop, Announces Optical Module Management Interface Survey Results at Q3 Meeting

Fremont, Calif.—August 26, 2020 – OIF members continued to drive industry interoperability efforts forward during the Q3 2020 Technical and MA&E Committees Meeting, held August 3-7. This quarter’s virtual meeting resulted in the approval of the CEI (Common Electrical I/O) -224G Development Project, a wrap-up of the “Co-packaging of Optics with ASICs” members-only workshop that was held July 20th and a readout of the results of the public Optical Module Management Interface Survey.

“OIF strives to challenge our member companies to achieve more in order to accelerate industry innovation and standards that maintain alignment with network operator trends and needs,” explained Nathan Tracy, TE Connectivity and OIF President. “We are continually advocating for increased interoperability and the OIF quarterly meetings provide the ideal forum for members to debate and discuss the interoperability challenges that the industry is trying to overcome. For example, getting electrical signals to travel at 224 Gbps over workable distances is a challenge we are looking forward to exploring.”


During OIF’s Q2 meeting in May, members previewed a proposed project start to address next generation architectures and data rates around 224 Gbps for CEI interfaces. The project was formally approved during this month’s meeting. The expected result will be a technical white paper summarizing a consensus-based body of knowledge which will then enable several project starts for next generation CEI clauses addressing specific reaches and architectures.


OIF held a “Co-packaging of Optics with ASICs” workshop on July 20th for OIF members. The workshop explored the various challenges of co-packaging of optics and identified opportunities for industry collaboration. Presenting companies included Applied Optoelectronics, Inc., Facebook, Inphi, Intel, Keysight Technologies, Microsoft, Ranovus, Senko Advanced Components, Inc. and TE Connectivity. Based on the success of the member workshop and increasing interest in the topic industry-wide, OIF is planning a public workshop on co-packaging of optics. Details and registration will be available soon.


OIF recently conducted a public industry survey designed to determine how the Coherent Common Management Interface Specification Implementation Agreement is viewed by the industry and the level of industry alignment and support for further standardization of optical module management. Results of the survey were presented on a public webinar on July 30 and recapped during the Q3 meeting. Click HERE to download the survey results.

About OIF

OIF is where the optical networking industry’s interoperability work gets done. Building on more than 20 years of effecting forward change in the industry, OIF represents the dynamic ecosystem of 100+ industry leading network operators, system vendors, component vendors and test equipment vendors collaborating to develop interoperable electrical, optical and control solutions that directly impact the industry’s ecosystem and facilitate global connectivity in the open network world. Connect with OIF at @OIForum, on LinkedIn and at


PR Contact:

Leah Wilkinson

Wilkinson + Associates for OIF


Office: 703-907-0010