OIF Experts to Provide CEI-112G Project Update at DesignCon

Expert panel will provide an update on the multiple interfaces being defined by OIF including CEI-112G MCM, XSR, VSR, MR and LR for 112G Fremont, Calif.—January 23, 2019 – A panel of OIF experts will present and discuss the ongoing, multi-faceted Common Electrical I/O (CEI)-112G interface effort at this year’s DesignCon being held in Santa […]

OIF Launches Flexe 2.1 Project and Elects new Board Positions and Working Group Representatives

This work continues OIF’s lead in FlexE aggregation architectures by keeping current with industry PHY rates Fremont, Calif.—December 4, 2018 – OIF, the global industry forum accelerating market adoption of advanced interoperable optical networking solutions, today announced the launch of the FlexE 2.1 project and newly elected board members and working group chairs. The new project initiation and elections took place at the Q418 Technical and MA&E Committee meetings held October 29-November 2, 2018 in Sydney, Australia…