T-API taps into the transport layer

This article originally appeared on Gazettabyte by editor Roy Rubenstein: http://www.gazettabyte.com/home/2018/8/20/t-api-taps-into-the-transport-layer.html

The Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) in collaboration with the Open Networking Foundation (ONF) and the Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) have tested the second-generation transport application programming interface (T-API 2.0).

SK Telecom’s Park Jin-hyo

T-API 2.0 is a standardised interface, released in late 2017 by the ONF, that enables the dynamic allocation of transport resources using software-defined networking (SDN) technology.

The interface has been created so that when a service provider, or one of its customers, requests a service, the required resources including the underlying transport are configured promptly.

The OIF-led interoperability demonstration tested T-API 2.0 in dynamic use cases involving equipment from several systems vendors. Four service providers – CenturyLink, Telefonica, China Telecom and SK Telecom – provided their networking labs, located in three continents, for the testing.

Packets and transport 

SDN technology is generally associated with the packet layer but there is also a need for transport links, from fibre and wavelength-division multiplexing technology at Layer 0 through to Layer 2 Ethernet.

Transport SDN differs from packet-based SDN in several ways. Transport SDN sets up dedicated pipes whereas a path is only established when packets flow for packet SDN. “When you order a 100-gigabit connection in the transport network, you get 100 gigabits,” says Jonathan Sadler, the OIF’s vice president and Networking Interoperability Working Group chair. “You are not sharing it with anyone else.”

Another difference is that at the packet layer with its manipulation of packet headers is a digital domain whereas the photonic layer is analogue. “A lot of the details of how a signal interacts with a fibre, with the wavelength-selective switches, and with the different componentry that is used at Layer 0, are important in order to characterise whether the signal makes it through the network,” says Sadler.

T-API 1.0 is a configure and step-away deployment, T-API 2.0 is where the dynamic reactions to things happening in the network become possible

Prior to SDN, control functions resided on a platform as part of a network’s distributed control plane. Each vendor had their own interface between the control and the optical domain embedded within their platforms. T-API has been created to expose and standardise that interface such that applications can request transport resources independent of the underlying vendor equipment.

NBI refers to a northbound interface while SBI stands for a southbound interface. Source: OIF.

To fulfil a connection across an operator’s network involves a hierarchy of SDN controllers. An application’s request is first handled by a multi-domain SDN controller that decomposes the request for the various domain controllers associated with the vendor-specific platforms. T-API 2.0’s role is to link the multi-domain controller to the application layer’s orchestrator and also connect the individual domain controllers to the multi-domain SDN controller (see diagram above). T-API is an example of a northbound interface.

The same T-API 2.0 interface is used at both SDN controller levels, what differs is the information each handles. Sadler compares the upper T-API 2.0 interface to a high-level map whereas the individual TAPI 2.0 domain interfaces can be seen as maps with detailed ‘local’ data.  “Both [interfaces] work on topology information and both direct the setting-up of connections,” says Sadler. “But the way they are doing it is with different abstractions of the information.”

T-API 2.0

The ONF developed the first T-API interface as part of its Common Information Model (CIM) work. The interface was tested in 2016 as part of a previous interoperability demonstration involving the OIF and the ONF.

One important shortfall revealed during the 2016 demonstrations, and which has slowed its deployment, is that the T-API 1.0 interface didn’t fully define how to notify an upper controller of events in the lower domains. For example, if a link is congested, or worst, lost, it couldn’t inform the upper controller to re-route traffic. This has been put right with T-API 2.0.

“T-API 1.0 is a configure and step-away deployment, T-API 2.0 is where the dynamic reactions to things happening in the network become possible,” says Sadler.

When it comes to the orchestrator tying into the transport network, we do believe T-API will be one of the main approaches for these APIs

Interoperability demonstration

In addition to the four service providers, six systems vendors took part in the recent interoperability demonstration: ADVA Optical Networking, Coriant, Infinera, NEC/ Netcracker, Nokia and SM Optics.

The recent tests focussed on the performance of the TAPI-2.0 interface under dynamic network conditions. Another change since the 2016 tests was the involvement of the MEF. The MEF has adopted and extended T-API as part of its Network Resource Modeling (NRM) and Network Resource Provisioning (NRP) projects, elements of the MEF’s Lifecycle Service Orchestration (LSO) architecture. The LSO allows for service provisioning using T-API extensions that support the MEF’s Carrier Ethernet services.

Three aspects of the T-API 2.0 interface were tested as part of the use cases: connectivity, topology and notification.

Setting up a service requires both connectivity and topology. Topology refers to how a service is represented in terms of the node edge points and the links. Notification refers to the northbound aspect of the interface, pushing information upwards to the orchestrator at the application layer. This allows the orchestrator in a multi-domain network to re-route connectivity services across domains.

The four use cases tested included multi-layer network connections whereby topology information is retrieved from a multi-domain network with services provisioned across domains.

T-API 2.0 was also used to show the successful re-routing of traffic when network situations change such as a fault, congestion, or to accommodate maintenance work. Re-routing can be performed across the same layer such as the IP, Ethernet or optical layer, or, more optimally, across two or more layers. Such a capability promises operators the ability to automate re-routing using SDN technology.

The two other use cases tested during the recent demonstration were the orchestrator performing network restoration across two or more domains, and the linking of data centres’ network functions virtualisation infrastructure (NFVI).  Such NFVI interconnect is a complex use case involving SDN controllers using T-API to create a set of wide area networks connecting the NFV sites. The use case set up is shown in the diagram below.

Source: OIF

SK Telecom, one of the operators that participated in the interoperability demonstration, welcomes the advent of T-API 2.0 and says how such APIs will allow operators to enable services more promptly.

“It has been difficult to provide services such as bandwidth-on-demand and networking services for enterprise customers enabled using a portal,” says Park Jin-hyo, executive vice president of the ICT R&D Centre at SK Telecom. “These services will be provided within minutes, according to the needs, using the graphical user interface of SK Telecom’s network-as-service platform.”

SK Telecom stresses the importance of open APIs in general as part of its network transformation plans. As well as implementing a 5G Standalone (SA) Core, SK Telecom aims to provide NFV and SDN-based services across its network infrastructure including optical transport, IP, data centres, wired access as well as networks for enterprise customers.

“Our final goal is to open the network itself to enterprise customers via an open API,” says Park. “Our mission is to create 5G-enabled network-slicing-based business models and services for vertical markets.”


The OIF says the use cases have shown that T-API 2.0 enables real-time orchestration and that the main shortcomings identified with the first T-API interface have been addressed with T-API 2.0.

The OIF recognises that while T-API may not be the sole approach available for the industry – the IETF has a separate activity – the successful tests and the broad involvement of organisations such as the ONF and MEF make a strong case for T-API 2.0 as the approach for operators as they seek to automate their networks.

“When it comes to the orchestrator tying into the transport network, we do believe T-API will be one of the main approaches for these APIs,“ says Sadler.

SK Telecom said participating in the interop demonstrations enabled it to test and verify, at a global level, APIs that the operators and equipment manufacturers have been working on. And from a business perspective, the demonstration work confirmed to SK Telecom the potential of the ‘global network-as-a-service’ concept.

Editor note: Added input from SK Telecom on September 1st. 


August 7, 2018  Leah Wilkinson

Successful collaborative demo identified multiple success points and areas where additional work is needed to enhance performance – white paper to provide deep dive and outline specifics

Fremont, Calif.—August 7, 2018 – Detailed results from the OIF’s (Optical Internetworking Forum) 2018 Software-Defined Networking (SDN) Transport Application Programming Interface (T-API) multi-vendor interoperability demonstration showcasing new dynamic behavior use cases and deployment scenarios are available in a white paper published today. To request a copy, please go here.

Demo results were initially announced at a public read-out at NGON in Nice, France, and at two invitation-only events earlier this month at CenturyLink and China Telecom. An additional read-out was held last week during MEF’s Annual Meeting in Nashville, Tenn.

Following a six-week testing period, the OIF released its findings through liaisons to industry bodies.  Among the findings are the following (additional details on the testing and results can be found in the white paper):

  • Open Networking Foundation (ONF) T-API 2.0 specifications have addressed the main issues identified in the OIF’s 2016 testing and provide a basis for real-time orchestration of on-demand connectivity setup, control and monitoring across diverse multi-layer, multi-vendor, multi-domain carrier networks
  • Additional scaling and performance enhancements will need to be addressed as T-API is deployed in real networks, such as refinements to the model, greater detail in error codes to improve debugging properties, and potential implementation options such as a separate server for notifications of network events
  • The API allows for some variability in the use of topology abstraction depending on business requirements and technology; documentation of supplementary examples for topology abstraction will help application and orchestration software developers.

“Standardized and open SDN APIs reduce complexity in intra and inter-domain operations, allowing us to provide more diverse services to our customers in less time,” said Park Jin-hyo, EVP of ICT R&D Center at SK Telecom. “After successfully completing the test trial, SK Telecom will keep engaging in 5G transport network and service development by opening APIs and transforming the current infrastructure into Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) Platform.”

The multi-vendor demo led by four network operator labs included lab-deployed and cloud-deployed systems testing new dynamic behavior use cases and deployment scenarios. The demo also incorporated service provisioning scenarios at the LSO Presto reference point in the MEF LSO architecture, using the MEF NRP Interface Profile Specification (MEF 60), which defines extensions to T-API in support of Carrier Ethernet services.

Participating network operators were CenturyLink, China Telecom, SK Telecom and Telefónica and vendors included ADVA, Coriant, Infinera, NEC/Netcracker, Nokia and SM Optics. Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) was a participating academic institution and TELUS Communications participated as a consulting network operator.

Additional information and an infographic can be found at http://www.oiforum.com/meetings-and-events/2018-oif-sdn-t-api-demo/

2018 OIF SDN Transport API Interoperability Demonstration

Committed to accelerating the commercialization of transport SDN worldwide, the Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF), in collaboration with MEF, will bring new dynamic behavior use cases and deployment scenarios into network operator labs around the world to test multi-vendor interoperability of the industry leading T-API 2.0 northbound interface (NBI) from the Open Networking Foundation (ONF). The 2018 Software-Defined Networking (SDN) Transport Application Programming Interface (T-API) interoperability demonstration builds on the OIF’s 2016 interoperability test and demonstration which addressed multi-layer and multi-domain environments as well as on the 2014 demo which prototyped the use of Northbound APIs and helped advance transport SDN standardization. For an infographic of the demo, click here.

About the OIF

The OIF facilitates the development and deployment of interoperable networking solutions and services. Members collaborate to drive Implementation Agreements (IAs) and interoperability demonstrations to accelerate and maximize market adoption of advanced internetworking technologies. OIF work applies to optical and electrical interconnects, optical component and network processing technologies, and to network control and operations including software defined networks and network function virtualization. The OIF actively supports and extends the work of national and international standards bodies. Launched in 1998, the OIF is the only industry group uniting representatives from across the spectrum of networking, including many of the world’s leading service providers, system vendors, component manufacturers, software and testing vendors. Information on the OIF can be found at http://www.oiforum.com


PR Contact:


Leah Wilkinson

Wilkinson + Associates for the OIF

Email: leah@wilkinson.associates

Office: +1-703-907-0010


Multi-vendor demo showcases new dynamic behavior uses cases and deployment scenarios

Nice, France—June 26, 2018 – Following a six week testing period, the OIF (Optical Internetworking Forum) today announced the conclusion of its 2018 Software-Defined Networking (SDN) Transport Application Programming Interface (T-API) multi-vendor interoperability demonstration. The much-anticipated demo results will be revealed during a public read-out event being held today from 10:00am-12:00pm at NGON & DCI Europe 2018 in Nice, France. ClicktoTweet

Additionally, Juan Pedro Fernández Palacios, Head of Unit, Telefónica will discuss Telefonica’s view of the demo results and use cases during his NGON keynote presentation tomorrow, June 27th.

“In bringing together service providers and optical networking vendors to demonstrate new SDN deployment scenarios including dynamic-behavior use cases, the OIF in collaboration with MEF has taken another important step towards providing the foundation for service providers to efficiently deliver dynamic multi-domain connectivity services to market,” stated Heidi Adams, Senior Research Director, IP & Optical Networks, IHS Markit. “With the 2018 demo event, the T-API 2.0 interface from the Open Networking Foundation (ONF) is on its way to becoming a standard northbound interface (NBI) to SDN transport network controllers.”

OIF, in collaboration with MEF, is leading the industry toward the validation and widespread commercialization of T-API 2.0 from the Open Networking Foundation (ONF) as a standard northbound interface (NBI) to transport network controllers.

The multi-vendor demo led by four network operator labs included lab deployed and cloud deployed systems testing new dynamic behavior use cases and deployment scenarios. The demo also incorporated service provisioning scenarios at the LSO Presto reference point in the MEF LSO architecture, using the MEF NRP Interface Profile Specification (MEF 60), which defines extensions to T-API in support of Carrier Ethernet services.

“The OIF SDN Interoperability demonstration has successfully brought together carriers, vendors and integrators with a common goal of moving to an open API (TAPI),” said Jack Pugaczewski, Distinguished Architect, CenturyLink. “T-API is a key enabler for providing automated service fulfillment and assurance. We have tested the Connectivity, Topology and Notification software patterns that T-API provides. Common APIs reduce design, development and deployment cycles for all involved, thus getting to market faster and realizing the financial benefits of automation.”

Participating network operators were CenturyLink, China Telecom, SK Telecom and Telefónica and vendors included ADVA, Coriant, Infinera, NEC/Netcracker, Nokia and SM Optics. Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) was a participating academic institution and TELUS Communications participated as a consulting network operator.

Additionally, two private events detailing the test results will be held with participating network operators: CenturyLink on July 10 in Denver, Colorado and China Telecom on July 19 in Beijing. Members of the media and analyst community interested in attending, please contact leah@wilkinson.associates.

“The OIF’s goal for interop events is to improve the quality and clarity of specifications being tested,” explained Jonathan Sadler, OIF VP and Networking & Operations Interoperability Working Group Chair. “As the tests were performed, we noted possible points for misunderstanding and places where the specifications may be enhanced. These results will be liaised to ONF and MEF for review at future meetings.”

A technical white paper and an executive summary of the demo result will be available in August.

An infographic of the demo is

Additional information can be found at 2018 OIF SDN T-API INTEROP DEMO

2018 OIF SDN Transport API Interoperability Demonstration

Committed to accelerating the commercialization of transport SDN worldwide, the Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF), in collaboration with MEF, will bring new dynamic behavior use cases and deployment scenarios into network operator labs around the world to test multi-vendor interoperability of the industry leading T-API 2.0 northbound interface (NBI) from the Open Networking Foundation (ONF). The 2018 Software-Defined Networking (SDN) Transport Application Programming Interface (T-API) interoperability demonstration builds on the OIF’s 2016 interoperability test and demonstration which addressed multi-layer and multi-domain environments as well as on the 2014 demo which prototyped the use of Northbound APIs and helped advance transport SDN standardization. For an infographic of the demo, click here.

About the OIF

The OIF facilitates the development and deployment of interoperable networking solutions and services. Members collaborate to drive Implementation Agreements (IAs) and interoperability demonstrations to accelerate and maximize market adoption of advanced internetworking technologies. OIF work applies to optical and electrical interconnects, optical component and network processing technologies, and to network control and operations including software defined networks and network function virtualization. The OIF actively supports and extends the work of national and international standards bodies. Launched in 1998, the OIF is the only industry group uniting representatives from across the spectrum of networking, including many of the world’s leading service providers, system vendors, component manufacturers, software and testing vendors. Information on the OIF can be found at http://www.oiforum.com


PR Contact:


Leah Wilkinson

Wilkinson + Associates for the OIF

Email: leah@wilkinson.associates

Office: +1-703-907-0010

OIF Initiates New CEI-112G-XSR Project for D2D/D2OE Common Electrical Interface, Addresses Multiple Chip Integration

Forum continues efforts to support new and evolving architectures by defining a range of electrical interfaces which enable optimized system design for power, cost and packaging

Fremont, Calif.—June 12, 2018 – The OIF (Optical Internetworking Forum) today announced the launch of the CEI-112G-XSR project for Die-to-Die (D2D) and Die-to-Optical Engine (D2OE) Common Electrical Interface at the Q218 Technical and MA&E Committees meeting held April 24-26, 2018 in Nuremberg, Germany. The project aims at enabling intra-package interconnects to optical engines or between dies with high throughput density and low normalized power operating in the data rate range of 72-116 Gbps with a reach up to 50 mm.

In addition to the already existing CEI-112G-MCM OIF project, which is dedicated to wide, high bandwidth CMOS-to-CMOS interconnects, the new CEI-112G-XSR project proposes to support technology mix, in particular CMOS-to-SiGe (Silicon Germanium), which is frequently used to build optical engines. System-in-package (SIP) leads to a requirement of supporting up to 50 mm trace length between the multiple chips on a common (organic) package substrate.

“We jointly designed this project to address the problem of integrating multiple dies, including driver devices for optical engines on non-CMOS technologies, onto a common substrate within a large multi-chip-package design. Supporting this mix of technology allows combining the high logic density of CMOS devices with the high drive strength of analog components,” explained Klaus-Holger Otto of Nokia and OIF Technical Committee Chair.

The working group for the CEI-112G-XSR project has identified the following benefits for OIF members:

  • Allow lower normalized power, double shoreline throughput density and provide a multi-source 72-116 Gbps D2D and D2OE electrical I/O interface. This will enhance the integration, normalized power reduction, and cost reduction for integrated OE, multiple-die SIPs.
  • Enable 1 to N lanes of 72-116 Gbps electrical I/Os (e.g. on ASIC/FPGA/OE).

OIF Day at Nokia

Following the quarterly meeting, a sizeable group of OIF members participated in an OIF Day event at the Nokia Nuremberg facility on April 27, 2018. The OIF Day Program is a live educational workshop program to expand awareness of, and educate member company employees on the work of the OIF. The OIF Day event is conducted at network operator and/or vendor sites to reach and obtain inputs from a range of support functions, e.g. operations, network planning, network management, marketing, etc. It is custom-tailored to the needs of each hosting company and comprised of general sessions and tracks focused on Networking and/or Physical and Link Layer topics.

OIF Transport-API for Transport SDN Survey

OIF also recently conducted a survey of OIF members and non-members, including network operators and vendors, on the OIF’s proposed certification project for Transport-API (T-API) for Transport SDN. Nearly 30 responses to the survey were received – 20+ from network operators and 9 from vendors.  The OIF will consider the feedback in any proposal to expand the current program to include T-API certification.

About the OIF
The OIF facilitates the development and deployment of interoperable networking solutions and services. Members collaborate to drive Implementation Agreements (IAs) and interoperability demonstrations to accelerate and maximize market adoption of advanced internetworking technologies. OIF work applies to optical and electrical interconnects, optical component and network processing technologies, and to network control and operations including software defined networks and network function virtualization. The OIF actively supports and extends the work of national and international standards bodies. Launched in 1998, the OIF is the only industry group uniting representatives from across the spectrum of networking, including many of the world’s leading service providers, system vendors, component manufacturers, software and testing vendors. Information on the OIF can be found at http://www.oiforum.com


PR Contact:
Leah Wilkinson
Wilkinson + Associates for the OIF
Email: leah@wilkinson.associates
Office: 703-907-0010


May 22, 2018  Leah Wilkinson

Demo aimed at accelerating commercialization of Transport SDN

Fremont, Calif.—May 22, 2018 – The OIF (Optical Internetworking Forum) today announced plans for its public read-out events to present the results of the 2018 Software-Defined Networking (SDN) Transport Application Programming Interface (T-API) interoperability demonstration. This year’s demo, in collaboration with MEF, is focused on accelerating the commercialization of Transport SDN through validating the industry leading T-API 2.0 northbound interface (NBI) from the Open Networking Foundation (ONF). ClicktoTweet

The multi-vendor demo includes testing new dynamic behavior use cases and deployment scenarios by network operators CenturyLink, China Telecom, SK Telecom and Telefónica. Participating vendors include ADVA, Coriant, Infinera, NEC/Netcracker, Nokia and SM Optics. Centre Tecnològic Telecomunicacions Catalunya is the participating academic and/or research institution and TELUS Communications is participating as a consulting network operator.

This year’s demo incorporates service provisioning scenarios at the LSO Presto reference point in the MEF LSO architecture, using the MEF NRP Interface Profile Specification (MEF 60), which defines T-API extensions in support of Carrier Ethernet services.

“The OIF multi-vendor interop testing is particularly important to Telefónica’s network transformation. We are anxious to validate T-API as the standard NBI for Transport SDN and announce the results in June,” said Juan Pedro Fernández Palacios, Telefónica.

The results of the demo will be presented during a featured workshop and keynote presentation at NGON & DCI Europe 2018, the world’s leading strategic and technical optical networks event being held in Nice, France, and during two private events at participating network operator labs.

Public Event: NGON & DCI Europe 2018 (Nice, France), Tuesday, June 26, 2018, 10:00am-12:00pm

Optical Masterclass: Speakers will discuss how OIF is assuring interoperability in open, agile next generation optical networks and present updates on critical projects including CEI-56G and CEI-112G, FlexE 2.0, 400ZR and Transport SDN.


  • Welcome & Overview – Dave Brown, OIF President, Nokia
  • Physical & Link Layer Working Group (PLL WG) Overview – Karl Gass, OIF PLL WG Vice Chair Optical, OIF
  • FlexE 2.0 – Dave Ofelt, OIF PLL WG Vice Chair Protocol, Juniper Networks
  • Networking Projects Overview – Lyndon Ong, OIF Market Awareness & Education Committee Co-Chair – Networking, Ciena
  • SDN Transport API Work/Interoperability Demonstration – Jonathan Sadler, OIF Board Member and Networking Interoperability Working Group Chair, Coriant

Additionally, Palacios, Head of Unit at Telefónica, will discuss the demo results and present use cases during his keynote presentation – Transport API: Standardization status, interoperability tests and use cases – on June 27th at NGON.

Invitation-Only: CenturyLink and China Telecom

Two invitation-only read-out events will be held in July. CenturyLink will hold a private read-out event on July 10 in Denver, Colorado and China Telecom will host a private read-out in Beijing on July 19. Members of the media and analyst community interested in attending, please contact leah@wilkinson.associates.

A technical white paper and an executive summary of the demo result will be available in August.

Additional information can be found at http://www.oiforum.com/meetings-and-events/2018-oif-sdn-t-api-demo/


About the OIF

The OIF facilitates the development and deployment of interoperable networking solutions and services. Members collaborate to drive Implementation Agreements (IAs) and interoperability demonstrations to accelerate and maximize market adoption of advanced internetworking technologies. OIF work applies to optical and electrical interconnects, optical component and network processing technologies, and to network control and operations including software defined networks and network function virtualization. The OIF actively supports and extends the work of national and international standards bodies. Launched in 1998, the OIF is the only industry group uniting representatives from across the spectrum of networking, including many of the world’s leading service providers, system vendors, component manufacturers, software and testing vendors. Information on the OIF can be found at http://www.oiforum.com


PR Contact:

Leah Wilkinson

Wilkinson + Associates for the OIF

Email: leah@wilkinson.associates

Office: +1-703-907-0010


April 10, 2018  Liz Smeds

Focused on accelerating the commercialization of transport SDN, leading global network operators and vendors will test new, more dynamic use cases

Fremont, Calif. —April 10, 2018 – Committed to accelerating the commercialization of transport SDN worldwide, the Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) today announced plans for its 2018 Software-Defined Networking (SDN) Transport Application Programming Interface (T-API) interoperability demonstration. In collaboration with MEF, this year’s demonstration will bring new dynamic behavior use cases and deployment scenarios into network operator labs around the world to test and validate the industry leading T-API 2.0 northbound interface (NBI) from the Open Networking Foundation (ONF).

The 2018 event builds on the OIF’s previous 2016 interoperability test and demonstration which addressed multi-layer and multi-domain environments as well as on the 2014 demo which prototyped the use of Northbound APIs and helped advance transport SDN standardization. The event will also incorporate service provisioning scenarios at the LSO (Lifecycle Service Orchestration) Presto reference point in the MEF LSO architecture, using the MEF NRP Interface Profile Specification (MEF 60), which defines T-API extensions in support of MEF Carrier Ethernet services.

Network operators are rapidly moving toward giving customers and their applications the ability to dynamically control services, and do it in real-time. The days of waiting for service changes will soon be a thing of the past. To achieve this, they need the ability to dynamically move capacity quickly in open networks to avoid network congestion and provide better services to customers.

“With network operators leading the charge for more dynamic and open networks, there has to be widespread adoption of transport SDN. Through working through the specifications, rigorous interoperability testing and validation, this year’s demo is intended to substantiate T-API as the NBI of choice,” said Dave Brown, Nokia and OIF President. “We also look forward to our collaboration with MEF and the depth of expertise the organization brings to this demonstration.”

“MEF is pleased to contribute our LSO Presto NRP API work in support of the OIF SDN Transport API Interop Demo as we advance toward a common goal of orchestrating dynamic services over automated networks powered by SDN and LSO,” said Pascal Menezes, CTO, MEF. “This is exactly the type of collaboration that we need to accelerate industry innovation and deliver lasting value for service providers and their end customers.”

“The work done by OIF is critically important to network operators around the world as we work to provide our customers with better services and higher efficiency, which will definitely help the monetization of our network capacity,” said Dr. Junjie Li, China Telecom and OIF Network Operator Working Group Chair.

The international joint-network operator, multi-vendor optical networking interoperability demonstration includes network operator hosts CenturyLink, China Telecom, SK Telecom and Telefonica and participating vendors include ADVA Optical Networking SE, Coriant, NEC/Netcracker, Nokia, SM Optics and ZTE Corporation. Centre Tecnològic Telecomunicacions Catalunya is the participating academic and/or research institution and TELUS Communications is participating as a consulting network operator.

Regional demonstration read-out events will take place in mid-2018 (June/July) and a whitepaper describing the event will be available to the public following the announcement of the results. Additional information can be found at http://www.oiforum.com/meetings-and-events/2018-oif-sdn-t-api-demo/

2018 OIF SDN Transport API Interoperability Demonstration

Committed to accelerating the commercialization of transport SDN worldwide, the Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF), in collaboration with MEF, will bring new dynamic behavior use cases and deployment scenarios into network operator labs around the world to test multi-vendor interoperability of the industry leading T-API 2.0 northbound interface (NBI) from the Open Networking Foundation (ONF). The 2018 Software-Defined Networking (SDN) Transport Application Programming Interface (T-API) interoperability demonstration builds on the OIF’s 2016 interoperability test and demonstration which addressed multi-layer and multi-domain environments as well as on the 2014 demo which prototyped the use of Northbound APIs and helped advance transport SDN standardization.

Regional demonstration read-out events will take place in Summer 2018 and a whitepaper will be available to the public. Additional information can be found at http://www.oiforum.com/meetings-and-events/2018-oif-sdn-t-api-demo/

About the OIF

The OIF facilitates the development and deployment of interoperable networking solutions and services. Members collaborate to drive Implementation Agreements (IAs) and interoperability demonstrations to accelerate and maximize market adoption of advanced internetworking technologies. OIF work applies to optical and electrical interconnects, optical component and network processing technologies, and to network control and operations including software defined networks and network function virtualization. The OIF actively supports and extends the work of national and international standards bodies. Launched in 1998, the OIF is the only industry group uniting representatives from across the spectrum of networking, including many of the world’s leading service providers, system vendors, component manufacturers, software and testing vendors. Information on the OIF can be found at http://www.oiforum.com


PR Contact: 

Leah Wilkinson

Wilkinson + Associates for the OIF

Email: leah@wilkinson.associates

Office: +1-703-907-0010


March 8, 2018  Leah Wilkinson

SAN DIEGO – March 8, 2018 – Industry leading organizations, the Optical Internetworking Forum(OIF) and the Ethernet Alliance, today announced an interoperating 400 Gbps Ethernet (400 GbE) network demonstration at OFC in San Diego, CA, March 13-15, 2018. The joint demonstration will feature 400 Gbps of Flex Ethernet (FlexE) traffic sent over four bonded 100 GbE interfaces streaming over the Ethernet Alliance 400 GbE network and interconnecting the OIF and Ethernet Alliance booths on the exhibit floor.

The demonstration is designed to showcase the Ethernet Alliance’s IEEE 802.3bs 400 Gbps technology recently ratified in December 2017 and the OIF’s FlexE 1.1 Implementation Agreement (IA).

“This collaborative effort is the ideal opportunity for the OIF to demonstrate the capabilities of its FlexE specification,” according to Nathan Tracy, the OIF’s VP of Marketing and Technologist at TE Connectivity. “The Ethernet Alliance’s deployment of the 400 GbE network over OFC’s exhibit floor demonstrates the initial availability of the developing 400 Gbps ecosystem.”

“We’re pleased to be able to make our 400 GbE network available to the OIF for this demonstration at OFC,” said the Ethernet Alliance’s chairman John D’Ambrosia, Huawei. “The OIF’s FlexE technology is yet another example of the flexibility that the Next Ethernet Era will enable. We applaud the OIF’s work to leverage Ethernet solutions as the basis of their FlexE implementation agreement.”

Furthering its mission to promote the development and deployment of interoperable networking solutions and services, the OIF will showcase a variety of projects, including an industry-first, during OFC. The OIF booth, host to 14 member companies, will feature five separate, multi-party, demonstrations featuring device and component interoperability. Two FlexE demos will showcase the bonding, subrating and channelization capabilities of the released FlexE 1.1 IA.  Separately, a high speed electrical demo will feature the OIF’s recently released CEI-4.0 56 Gbps PAM4 VSR (chip to module) electrical interface in a configuration that includes electrical to optical to electrical operation. Finally, two additional demos will feature 112 Gbps serial (single channel) electrical signaling in a VSR (chip to module) application and a direct attach copper cable implementation.

The member companies participating in the OIF demo, booth 5525, include Amphenol Corporation (NYSE: APH); Credo Semiconductor; FiberHome Telecommunications Technologies Co., Ltd.; Finisar (NASDAQ: FNSR); Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.; Inphi Corporation (NYSE: IPHI); Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS); Molex, LLC; TE Connectivity Ltd. (NYSE: TEL); Tektronix Inc.; VIAVI Solutions (NYSE: VIAV); Xilinx, Inc. (NASDAQ: XLNX); Yamaichi Electronics and ZTE Corporation. For more info on OIF’s activities at OFC, please visit www.oiforum.com/meetings-and-events/oif-ofc-2018

The next Ethernet era is underway, and the Ethernet Alliance OFC 2018 multivendor technology demonstration is one of the many steps the Ethernet Alliance is making in support of interoperable, next-generation technologies, such as PAM4. The demo showcases technologies from copper to optical interconnects at rates of 10 GbE to 400 GbE, as well as a live 400 GbE network. This OFC 2018 demonstration illustrates the innovations that can happen when you have the whole of the Ethernet ecosystem fully committed to bringing tomorrow’s networks to life today.

Happening in booth #2648, the Ethernet Alliance’s OFC 2018 demo incorporates equipment and solutions from 17 different companies: Amphenol Corporation (NYSE: APH); Anritsu Company (TSE:6754); Arista Networks, Inc. (NYSE: ANET); Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO); Commscope Holding Company, Inc. (NASDAQ: COMM); EXFO, Inc. (NASDAQ: EXFO); Finisar (NASDAQ: FNSR); Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.; Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS); Juniper Networks; Molex, LLC; Nexans S.A. (EPA: NEX); Source Photonics, Inc.; Spirent Communications (LSE: SPT.L); TE Connectivity Ltd. (NYSE: TEL); Teledyne LeCroy, Inc. (NYSE: TDY); and Xilinx, Inc. (NASDAQ: XLNX).

About the OIF
The OIF facilitates the development and deployment of interoperable networking solutions and services. Members collaborate to drive Implementation Agreements (IAs) and interoperability demonstrations to accelerate and maximize market adoption of advanced internetworking technologies. OIF work applies to optical and electrical interconnects, optical component and network processing technologies, and to network control and operations including software defined networks and network function virtualization. The OIF actively supports and extends the work of national and international standards bodies. Launched in 1998, the OIF is the only industry group uniting representatives from across the spectrum of networking, including many of the world’s leading service providers, system vendors, component manufacturers, software and testing vendors. Information on the OIF can be found at http://www.oiforum.com

About the Ethernet Alliance

The Ethernet Alliance is a global consortium that includes system and component vendors, industry experts, and university and government professionals who are committed to the continued success and expansion of Ethernet technology. The Ethernet Alliance takes Ethernet standards to market by supporting activities that span from incubation of new Ethernet technologies to interoperability demonstrations and education.


PR Contact: 

Leah Wilkinson

Wilkinson + Associates for the OIF

Email: leah@wilkinson.associates

Mobile: 703-307-3964

OIF Reveals OFC 2018 Interoperability Demo Plans

Forum Industry Experts to Conduct Panel Discussions

The Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) today released the public multi-vendor interoperability demonstrations that it will conduct at Booth #5525 at OFC in San Diego, March 13-15, 2018. The demos will showcase three significant technologies; Flex Ethernet (FlexE), 112 Gbps per lane live electrical signaling and end-to-end optical links using CEI-56G-VSR electrical interfaces. In addition to the live demonstrations, OIF industry experts will conduct two panel discussions at OFC.

There are 14 participating companies including Amphenol, Credo Semiconductor, Fiberhome Telecommunications Technologies Co., Ltd., Finisar, Huawei Technologies Co., Inphi, Keysight Technologies, Molex, TE Connectivity, Tektronix, VIAVI Solutions, Xilinx, Yamaichi Electronics, and ZTE Corporation.

“The OIF continues to test and validate the implementation agreements the forum is working on or has recently completed,” said Steve Sekel of Keysight Technologies, Inc. and the OIF’s Physical and Link Layer Interoperability Working Group Chair. “The OIF recently published both CEI revision 4.0 which includes CEI-56 Gbps requirements and the FlexE revision 1.0 specification.  The forum also started work on four CEI-112 Gbps projects so this demo provides important insight into the potential technical solutions.”

Flex Ethernet Demo:

The FlexE technology from the OIF extends standard Ethernet with bonding, subrating, and channelization features and is defined in the FlexE v1.0 Implementation Agreement.  The demo features interoperability among member companies using combinations of these three features over multiple types of 100 GbE.

56 Gbps Demo: 

This demo features multiple silicon suppliers operating over a 56 Gbps PAM4 VSR (chip to module) link reflecting the recently published CEI 4.0 document that includes this 56 Gbps PAM4 channel definition.  The 56 Gbps demo will electrically drive interoperating optical modules, interconnected with fiber, showing a full multi-vendor electrical-optical-electrical link from host-to-host. The broad range of technologies and suppliers participating in the demo indicates the maturing industry ecosystem around 56 Gbps signaling.

112 Gbps Demo:

The OIF recently began new projects to define 112 Gbps per lane interoperable serial electrical channel definitions. As part of that effort, the OIF will be presenting two 112 Gbps serial electrical demos at OFC 2018.  The first demo will include a silicon chip driving a VSR (chip to module) channel and the second will have a silicon chip driving a direct attach copper cable assembly. 112 Gbps electrical signaling is regarded as a necessary technology to enable future signaling bandwidth requirements.

OIF Delivers on Another Industry First!

OIF member companies have teamed up to demonstrate significant progress in delivering an interoperable ecosystem of suppliers and solutions for critical market needs:

  • FlexE (Flex Ethernet)
  • 112 Gbps / lane live electrical signaling
  • End to End (host to host) optical link using electrical 56 Gbps – VSR, included in newly released CEI 4.0

Public demonstrations will be on display March 13-15, 2018 at OFC in San Diego, CA in OIF Booth # 5525 . Additional information can be found at


Speaking Sessions:

Enabling the Key Applications for Transport SDN
Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 2:30pm – Expo Theater III
Moderator: Dave Brown, Nokia, OIF President
Speakers: Lyndon Ong, Ciena, OIF MA&E Committee Co-Chair – Networking; Jonathan Sadler, Coriant, OIF VP and Networking Interoperability WG Chair

400G Coherent: What Does It Mean To You?
Thursday, March 15, 2018 at 10:15am – Expo Theater II
Moderator: Karl Gass, OIF Physical and Link Layer WG Vice Chair – Optical
Speakers: Sudeep Bhoja, Inphi; Tad Hofmeister, Google, OIF Board Member; Winston Way, NeoPhotonics; Tom Williams, Acacia Communications

OIF CEI Technology for 56 Gbps Available for Wider Industry Adoption

The OIF announced today the publication of the “Common Electrical (I/O) CEI 4.0” with a focus on Serdes standards for 56 Gbps. This is the first completion of Serdes standards for the CEI generation of 56 Gbps I/O devices and adds PAM-4 and Ensemble NRZ as additional advanced modulation schemes to NRZ. Preliminary testing of 56 Gbps work has also been demonstrated by OIF members for the past two years at OFC where chip designers, connector vendors and test equipment suppliers showed the viability of the electrical channel parameters.  CEI 4.0 represents the eighth generation of OIF electrical interfaces over an 18-year span.

“The industry continues to face challenges for diverging requirements regarding link latency and concerns with power consumption at the higher data rates,” said Klaus-Holger Otto of Nokia and the OIF Technical Committee Chair.  “Documenting channel definitions in more granular reaches and multiple modulation schemes allows for the optimization of silicon chip designs, channel architectures and network operator use cases. These parameters for 56 Gbps will be used as building blocks for protocol specifications written by other organizations across the industry so the forum wanted to provide definitions that met their unique needs.”

The result is a number of carefully optimized channel definitions that will enable the industry to benefit from a range of interoperable solutions at 56 Gbps data rates. Key to this effort was aiming for the lowest possible power dissipation for each application while balancing link budget and latency. At this time the OIF is releasing CEI 4.0 with the following new clauses:

  • CEI-56G-USR-NRZ: Ultra Short Reach, die-to-die inside multi-chip-modules, NRZ modulation
  • CEI-56G-XSR-NRZ: Extra Short Reach, chip-to-driver, NRZ modulation
  • CEI-56G-VSR-PAM4: Very Short Reach, chip-to-module, PAM-4 modulation
  • CEI-56G-MR-PAM4: Medium Reach, chip-to-chip, one connector, PAM-4 modulation
  • CEI-56G-LR-PAM4: Long Reach, chip-to-chip, two connectors over backplane, PAM-4 modulation
  • CEI-56G-LR-ENRZ: Long Reach, chip-to-chip, two connectors over backplane, ENRZ modulation

The CEI 4.0 can be found here. Further clauses with additional modulation variants of the above reaches will be added in a future CEI 4.1 release.

About the OIF
The OIF facilitates the development and deployment of interoperable networking solutions and services. Members collaborate to drive Implementation Agreements (IAs) and interoperability demonstrations to accelerate and maximize market adoption of advanced internetworking technologies. OIF work applies to optical and electrical interconnects, optical component and network processing technologies, and to network control and operations including software defined networks and network function virtualization. The OIF actively supports and extends the work of national and international standards bodies. Launched in 1998, the OIF is the only industry group uniting representatives from across the spectrum of networking, including many of the world’s leading service providers, system vendors, component manufacturers, software and testing vendors. Information on the OIF can be found at http://www.oiforum.com.

OIF Launches CEI-112G Projects, Forms Network Operator Working Group

The Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) announced that it has begun work on long reach (LR) and medium reach (MR) CEI-112G, building upon two existing 100G serial electrical link projects. Forum members continue to support and approve the development of projects addressing CEI-112G as bandwidth needs increase. Dr. Chongjin Xie of Alibaba was invited to present to members at the quarterly meeting in Shanghai. Dr. Xie shared with members the need for various network technologies, innovations and breakthroughs for datacenters. Following the meeting, the members participated in an OIF Day with China Unicom and SK Telecom.

CEI-112G Projects

The CEI-112G-LR project defines an interface to enable high-loss 112G backplane channels. This project will also facilitate direct attach copper (DAC) cable channel links at 112G. The CEI-112G-MR project will develop specifications for a chip-to-chip (c2c) interface which can also be used to support applications of 112Gx2 (224G), and 112Gx4 (448G) with reduced power, complexity, and enhanced density.

“These projects build upon the relevant and foundational 56G and 112G CEI roadmap the OIF has established,” said Nathan Tracy of TE Connectivity and OIF vice president of marketing.  “The industry continues to look to the OIF to deliver interoperable implementation agreements that will drive adoption of both 100 Gb/s serial applications and the interfaces needed to address higher bandwidth.”

Network Operator Working Group

Members voted to evolve the Carrier Working Group into the new Network Operator Working Group, reflecting the active participation of web-scale and content service provider members such as Alibaba, Google and Microsoft, along with traditional service providers such as China Telecom, Orange, TELUS, and Verizon.

“The new working group reflects the OIF’s growing membership of network operators who are participating in technology advancement and interoperability demonstrations to influence the industry,” said Dr. Junjie Li of China Telecom, the newly elected Network Operator Working Group chair.  “These network operators have driven the OIF 400ZR and CFP2-DCO projects and are sharing their insights as reflected in the presentation from our Q4 speaker, Dr. Xie of Alibaba.”

OIF Election Results

Cathy Liu of Broadcom Limited and Dr. Martin Bouda of Fujitsu were newly elected to the Board for one-year terms, with Dr. Bouda appointed to secretary/treasurer. Ian Betty of Ciena was re-elected for a two-year term, and Tad Hofmeister of Google was elected to a two-year term.

Jonathan Sadler of Coriant was appointed to vice president. Dave Brown of Nokia continues to serve as president, and Nathan Tracy of TE Connectivity continues to serve as vice president of marketing.

About the OIF
The OIF facilitates the development and deployment of interoperable networking solutions and services. Members collaborate to drive Implementation Agreements (IAs) and interoperability demonstrations to accelerate and maximize market adoption of advanced internetworking technologies. OIF work applies to optical and electrical interconnects, optical component and network processing technologies, and to network control and operations including software defined networks and network function virtualization. The OIF actively supports and extends the work of national and international standards bodies. Launched in 1998, the OIF is the only industry group uniting representatives from across the spectrum of networking, including many of the world’s leading service providers, system vendors, component manufacturers, software and testing vendors. Information on the OIF can be found at http://www.oiforum.com.


OIF Announces Board Elections and New Project Starts

The Optical Internetworking Forum held their fourth quarter meeting this month in Auckland, New Zealand, resulting in several new project starts and board elections.  The OIF also held an interactive educational workshop with Spark New Zealand, a New Zealand-wide communications service provider.

“The OIF continues to work with other standards bodies and the industry to identify a wide range of technology needs that cross the entire optical and electrical ecosystem,” said Karl Gass of Qorvo and the OIF’s Physical Link Layer working group optical vice-chair.  “The OIF remains committed to providing technology direction that provides a path to interoperability in a pre-competitive environment. The projects started during the Q4 meeting demonstrate the OIF’s commitment to work with other standards bodies in the industry.”

 400ZR Interoperability

This new project will develop an implementation agreement for 400G ZR and short-reach DWDM multi-vendor interoperability.  It is relevant for router-to-router interconnect use cases and is targeted at (passive) single channel and amplified DWDM applications with distances up to 120 km. This project should ensure a cost-effective and long-term relevant implementation using single-carrier 400G, coherent detection and advanced DSP/FEC algorithms.

Common ACO Electrical I/O

The project will define the ACO electrical I/O independent of the choice of form factor and optical carrier count for 45 Gbaud and 64 Gbaud per-carrier applications. This project would build upon the success of the CFP2-ACO but is form factor agnostic so that it could be applied to multiple applications such as  CFP4, CFP8, QSFP, micro QSFP and OFSP.

Coherent Modem Management Interface

Members have requested that the industry combine the coherent modem management interface specifications [4″x5″ LH MSA, CFP2-ACO, CFP2-DCO, Flex-Coherent, etc.] into a standalone document.  OIF leadership, working in conjunction with the CFP MSA group, is inviting companies to participate in creating a complementary Normative document.

High Baud Rate Coherent Modulation Function

This project will define a small form factor component implementation agreement that combines the high baud-rate PMQ (HB-PMQ) modulator plus the RF drive functions into a single component. This new component will be used in conjunction with a high baud Integrated Coherent Receiver (ICR), a micro Integrable Tunable Laser Assembly (ITLA) and a coherent DSP, to implement a high performance coherent modem.

OIF Day with Spark New Zealand

The OIF continues to leverage the unique OIF Day program platform to reach out to key industry players for technical and strategic input. In conjunction with the Forum’s recent quarterly meeting in Auckland, the OIF hosted a half-day interactive and educational workshop featuring OIF and Spark New Zealand subject matter experts. The event achieved the objectives of introducing OIF work projects to this local service provider and obtaining valuable input on regional business and technical network challenges.

OIF Election Results

Dave Brown of Nokia was re-elected to the Board for a two-year term and appointed as president.  Re-elected to one-year terms were Junjie Li of China Telecom and Dave Stauffer of Kandou Bus. Stauffer will continue to serve as secretary/treasurer. Jonathan Sadler of Coriant and Nathan Tracy of TE Connectivity were elected to the board for two-year terms.  Tracy was appointed as vice president of marketing. Tom Issenhuth of Microsoft was appointed as vice president and Ian Betty of Ciena continues to serve on the Board.

Newly elected were Klaus-Holger Otto of Nokia as Technical Committee chair, Ed Frlan of Semtech as Technical Committee vice chair and Jeffery Maki of Juniper Networks as chair of Physical Layer User Group Working Group.

Brian Holden of Kandou Bus, Market Awareness and Education Committee co-chair, Physical and Link Layer; and Lyndon Ong of Ciena, MA&E Committee co-chair, Networking were both re-elected.

About the OIF

The OIF facilitates the development and deployment of interoperable networking solutions and services. Members collaborate to drive Implementation Agreements (IAs) and interoperability demonstrations to accelerate and maximize market adoption of advanced internetworking technologies. OIF work applies to optical and electrical interconnects, optical component and network processing technologies, and to network control and operations including software defined networks and network function virtualization. The OIF actively supports and extends the work of national and international standards bodies. Launched in 1998, the OIF is the only industry group uniting representatives from across the spectrum of networking, including many of the world’s leading service providers, system vendors, component manufacturers, software and testing vendors. Information on the OIF can be found at http://www.oiforum.com.


OIF Updates Micro Intradyne Coherent Receiver IA for Beyond 100G Applications

Forum soliciting input for next global interop demo

Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) members recently approved important updates to the Micro Intradyne Coherent Receiver implementation agreement. The IA introduces three classes of receivers, distinguished by their RF frequency response, to support Flex Coherent DWDM transmission to 400G and beyond.

The OIF continues its efforts to look beyond 100G by selecting a 400G implementation technology option. The newly published Flex Coherent DWDM Transmission framework document specifies a single technical approach for diverse network applications, including long-haul (LH), metro and data center inter-connection (DCI).  One of the objectives of this work is to provide direction on the technical developments required by system and component providers.

“Our system vendor members continue to flow down future system requirements so that component suppliers can be ready with products to support their designs,” said Karl Gass of Qorvo and the OIF’s Physical and Link Layer Working Group – Optical Vice Chair.

Global transport SDN interop demo survey for service providers

The OIF is planning its next global transport SDN Interop demo.  Building on the successful OIF 2016 Global SDN Transport API Interoperability Demo, the goal is to show APIs at work in key commercial transport SDN use cases. The OIF is seeking input from the service provider community, including those that have not participated in past interop demonstrations.  Click here to complete the anonymous survey by September 8, 2017 and help shape the next interop demo.

OIF Elections

The following officers were re-elected to one-year terms:

Klaus-Holger Otto of Nokia – Technical Committee, Chair; Ed Frlan of Semtech – Technical Committee, Vice Chair; Lyndon Ong of Ciena – MA&E Committee Co-Chair, Networking; Brian Holden of Kandou Bus – MA&E Committee Co-Chair, Physical & Link Layer.

OIF Day at Telefonica – Sept. 26th, Madrid, Spain

This event will be an interactive and educational workshop featuring OIF and Telefonica subject matter experts including Juan Pedro Fernandez Palacios, Head of “Core Network Evolution” for Telefonica. Topics will include OIF projects and directions, SDN for transport optical networks, and interoperability in disaggregated networks. With this exclusive event, the OIF is directly reaching out to understand service provider challenges and strategies, unlike any other forum. This event is open to all OIF Principal members and Telefonica.

About the OIF
The OIF facilitates the development and deployment of interoperable networking solutions and services. Members collaborate to drive Implementation Agreements (IAs) and interoperability demonstrations to accelerate and maximize market adoption of advanced internetworking technologies. OIF work applies to optical and electrical interconnects, optical component and network processing technologies, and to network control and operations including software defined networks and network function virtualization. The OIF actively supports and extends the work of national and international standards bodies. Launched in 1998, the OIF is the only industry group uniting representatives from across the spectrum of networking, including many of the world’s leading service providers, system vendors, component manufacturers, software and testing vendors. Information on the OIF can be found at http://www.oiforum.com.


The OIF’s 400ZR coherent interface starts to take shape

Roy Rubenstein, Gazzetabyte

June 23, 2017

The Optical Internetworking Forum’s (OIF) group tasked with developing two styles of 400-gigabit coherent interface is now concentrating its efforts on one of the two.

When first announced last November, the 400ZR project planned to define a dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) 400-gigabit interface and a single wavelength one. Now the work is concentrating on the DWDM interface, with the single-channel interface deemed secondary.

“It [the single channel] appears to be a very small percentage of what the fielded units would be,” says Karl Gass of Qorvo and the OIF Physical and Link Layer working group vice chair, optical, the group responsible for the 400ZR work.

The likelihood is that the resulting optical module will serve both applications. “Realistically, probably both [interfaces] will use a tunable laser because the goal is to have the same hardware,” says Gass.

The resulting module may also only have a reach of 80km, shorter than the original goal of up to 120km, due to the challenging optical link budget.

Origins and status

The 400ZR project began after Microsoft and other large-scale data centre players such as Google and Facebook approached the OIF to develop an interoperable 400-gigabit coherent interface they could then buy from multiple optical module makers.

The internet content providers’ interest in an 80km-plus link is to connect premises across the metro. “Eighty kilometres is the magic number from a latency standpoint so that multiple buildings can look like a single mega data centre,” says Nathan Tracy of TE Connectivity and the OIF’s vice president of marketing.

Since then, traditional service providers have shown an interest in 400ZR for their metro needs. The telcos’ requirements are different to the data centre players, causing the group to tweak the channel requirements. This is the current focus of the work, with the OIF collaborating with the ITU.

“The catch is how much can we strip everything down and still meet a large percentage of the use cases”

“The ITU does a lot of work on channels and they have a channel measurement methodology,” says Gass. “They are working with us as we try to do some division of labour.”

The group will choose a forward error correction (FEC) scheme once there is common agreement on the channel. “Imagine all those [coherent] DSP makers in the same room, each one recommending a different FEC,” says Gass. “We are all trying to figure out how to compare the FEC schemes on a level playing field.”

Meeting the link budget is challenging, says Gass, which is why the link might end up being 80km only. “The catch is how much can we strip everything down and still meet a large percentage of the use cases.”

400ZR form factors

Once the FEC is chosen, the power envelope will be fine-tuned and then the discussion will move to form factors. The OIF says it is still too early to discuss whether the project will select a particular form factor. Potential candidates include the OSFP MSA and the CFP8.

“The cloud is the biggest voice in the universe”

The industry assumption is that the 80km-plus 400ZR digital coherent optics module will consume around 15W, requiring a very low-power coherent DSP that will be made using 7nm CMOS.

“There is strong support across the industry for this project, evidenced by the fact that project calls are happening more frequently to make the progress happen,” says Tracy.

Why the urgency?

“The cloud is the biggest voice in the universe,” says Tracy. To support the move of data and applications to the cloud, the infrastructure has to evolve, leading to the data centre players linking smaller locations spread across the metro.

“At the same time, the next-gen speed that is going to be used in these data centres – and therefore outside the data centres – is 400 gigabit,” says Tracy.


OIF Approves Virtual Transport Network Service Implementation Agreement

Tad Hofmeister of Google joins board of directors

Members of the Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) recently met in Ljubljana, Slovenia for a quarterly technical committee and approved an implementation agreement (IA) for an optical Virtual Transport Network Service.  They also made progress on the 400G-ZR project and were given a presentation on 100G and Beyond by Andre Pucko of Telekom Slovenije d.d.  Additionally, Tad Hofmeister of Google joins the board of directors, filling an open seat.

A Virtual Transport Network Service (VTNS) is the creation and offering of a Virtual Network (VN) by a provider to a user and is built on the virtualization of transport network resources. VNs may be dynamically created, deleted, or modified and users can perform connection management, connection monitoring and connection protection within their VN.

“Development of Transport SDN (Software Defined Networking) will enable service providers to offer new revenue generating services,”  said Lyndon Ong of Ciena and the OIF’s Market Awareness & Education Committee Co-Chair, Networking. “VTNS is one class of services of interest to many operators and can become a main driver for the deployment of SDN in their transport networks.”

In specifying the new VTNS IA, OIF identifies the requirements and characteristics of different virtual network service types, such as dynamic and static behaviors, as well as the attributes and parameters required for these service types and the requirements for support of service recovery and OAM. Different types of VTNS could be associated with operators offering, for example, Bandwidth on Demand (BoD) services, Network as a Service (NaaS) or Network Slicing for 5G Networking.

400G-ZR Project Update

The OIF’s 400G-ZR Interoperability project addresses both 400G ZR and short-reach DWDM multivendor interoperability such as might be required for cloud scale data center interconnect (DCI). The project made progress at the Q2 meeting by receiving 10 technical contributions addressing considerations such as power consumption of DSP, FEC proposals and experimental demos.  The work will continue to move forward with scheduled conference calls before the Q3 meeting.

OIF at Optinet China

OIF board member Junjie Li of China Telecom will speak at Optinet China in Beijing on June 13, 2017 at 12:25 pm.  Mr. Li will present “OIF Interop – the Key to Unlocking the Benefits of SDN”.

For more information on this presentation and other conferences that the OIF is speaking at click here.

About the OIF

The OIF facilitates the development and deployment of interoperable networking solutions and services. Members collaborate to drive Implementation Agreements (IAs) and interoperability demonstrations to accelerate and maximize market adoption of advanced internetworking technologies. OIF work applies to optical and electrical interconnects, optical component and network processing technologies, and to network control and operations including software defined networks and network function virtualization. The OIF actively supports and extends the work of national and international standards bodies. Launched in 1998, the OIF is the only industry group uniting representatives from across the spectrum of networking, including many of the world’s leading service providers, system vendors, component manufacturers, software and testing vendors. Information on the OIF can be found at http://www.oiforum.com.


Plethora of OIF Activities at OFC 2017

The Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) announced today  an abundance of activities and demos at OFC 2017 in Los Angeles, March 21-23.  The OIF is hosting live demonstrations showing 56Gbps, CFP2-ACO and FlexEthernet by 11 OIF member companies.  The Forum will share details from its SDN Transport API Interoperability Demonstration which concluded in December of 2016 and, finally, the OIF is offering a half day 100G Serial Electrical Interconnect Needs workshop, which is open to the public.

OIF Delivers on Enabling Next Generation Networks!

OIF member companies have teamed up to demonstrate significant progress in delivering an interoperable ecosystem of suppliers and solutions for critical market needs:

  • 56Gbps live electrical signaling over all reaches
  • CFP2-ACO Optical Interoperability
  • FlexE (Flex Ethernet)

Public demonstrations will be on display March 21-23, 2017 at OFC in OIF Booth #3853. Additional information can be found here.


OIF Presentation: Enabling Next Generation Physical Layer Solutions

This session will cover the operating, live, interoperability demonstrations that OIF members are displaying in booth #3853. The panelists will discuss the OIF Implementation Agreement development work that has led to these demos and provide an update on the current status.  In addition, some of the OIF’s new, future work in process will be discussed.

This session will take place Tuesday, March 21, 2017 – 1:45pm–2:45pm – in Expo Theater III

Moderator: Steve Sekel, Keysight Technologies, Inc., OIF PLL Interoperability WG Chair

Panelists: Ed Frlan, Semtech, OIF Technical Committee Vice Chair; Karl Gass, OIF PLL WG Optical Vice Chair; Tad Hofmeister, Google, OIF Representative


SDN Transport API Interoperability Demo Public Read-Out

The OIF helps operators unlock the benefits of SDN for their optical networks through three interrelated projects:  interop demonstrations hosted by participating operators leveraging key interfaces such as the Transport API to bind together multi-layer and multi-domain carrier networks; Implementation Agreements that document new interoperability industry standards; and a new certification program that will address the gap between paper specifications or early implementations and products that carriers can realistically deploy.  Learn how these help realize commercial Transport SDN deployment and the promised benefits of accelerated time-to-revenue coupled with increased operational efficiency.

This session will take place Tuesday, March 21, 2017 – 3:00pm-4:00 pm – in Expo Theater III

Moderator: Dave Brown, Nokia, OIF President.

Panelists: Jonathan Sadler, Coriant, OIF Board Member and Networking Interoperability WG Chair; Lyndon Ong, Ciena, OIF MA&E Committee co-chair Networking; Victor Lopez, Telefonica.


OIF Workshop – 100G Serial Electrical Interconnect Needs

The OIF will host a half-day workshop focusing on potential electrical link and interconnect technologies being developed to support serial data rates of 100 Gb/s and higher. The workshop, which is open to the public, will give an industry view and dicuss the application spaces for the next generation interconnects, including Networking Trends and Cloud Scale applications.

Thursday, March 23, 2017 – 12pm-6pm

Los Angeles Convention Center

Level Two, West Hall – Room 518

To register for the workshop, click here.

Workshop Agenda

12:00pm: Registration and Box Lunches

12:30pm: Intro – Tom Palkert, OIF PLL WG Electrical Vice Chair, Molex

1:00pm: Industry Analyst – Alan Weckel, 650 Group

Session 1 – User Demand

  • High Level Systems – Katharine Schmidtke, Facebook
  • Equipment Perspective – Andreas Bechtolsheim, Arista

Session 2 – Component Suppliers’ Vision

  • Optics – Mark Nowell, Cisco
  • SERDES/semiconductor – Bart Zeydel, MACOM
  • Alternate Modulation – David Stauffer, Kandou Bus
  • Copper cable/connector/PCB trace – Greg Walz, Molex

5:15pm: Wrap-up – Nathan Tracy, OIF VP of Marketing, TE Connectivity


About the OIF
The OIF facilitates the development and deployment of interoperable networking solutions and services. Members collaborate to drive Implementation Agreements (IAs) and interoperability demonstrations to accelerate and maximize market adoption of advanced internetworking technologies. OIF work applies to optical and electrical interconnects, optical component and network processing technologies, and to network control and operations including software defined networks and network function virtualization. The OIF actively supports and extends the work of national and international standards bodies. Launched in 1998, the OIF is the only industry group uniting representatives from across the spectrum of networking, including many of the world’s leading service providers, system vendors, component manufacturers, software and testing vendors. Information on the OIF can be found at http://www.oiforum.com.


OIF Announces Multi-Vendor Interop Demo at OFC

The Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) announced today that member companies will demonstrate multi-vendor interoperability of Pluggable Coherent Optics, 56G Electrical Interfaces and for the first time, FlexE (Flex Ethernet) in live, operating environments. The demo will take place at OFC in Los Angeles from March 21-23, 2017.

“It’s important for the industry that companies continue to test and prove interoperability of these key technologies,” said Steve Sekel of Keysight Technologies, Inc. and the OIF’s Physical and Link Layer Interoperability Working Group Chair.  “The interoperability demo serves as an important validation phase for the Implementation Agreements the OIF is working on.  These documents are nearing the end of the draft review process, and this demo provides important feedback that devices designed to the draft specifications actually interoperate.”

The OIF’s Physical and Link Layer working group demonstrations include live 56G electrical interface interoperability with multiple silicon suppliers over a range of channel reaches from VSR (chip to module) to LR (backplane and copper cables) using both NRZ and PAM4 modulations. The expanding ecosystem for CFP2-ACO pluggable coherent optics will be showcased through live demos. Test equipment for 56G and coherent optics will also be demonstrated.  The FlexE demo provides on-going validation of the implementation agreement.

Demo participants include Amphenol, Credo Semiconductor, Finisar, GlobalFoundries, Keysight Technologies, Inc., Lumentum, Molex, TE Connectivity, Xilinx and Yamaichi Electronics.

OIF Delivers on Enabling Next Generation Networks!

OIF member companies have teamed up to demonstrate significant progress in delivering an interoperable ecosystem of suppliers and solutions for critical market needs:

  • 56Gbps live electrical signaling over all reaches
  • CFP2-ACO Optical Interoperability
  • FlexE (Flex Ethernet)

Public demonstrations will be on display March 21-23, 2017 at OFC in Los Angeles, CA in OIF Booth #3853. Additional information can be found here.

Also at OFC, the OIF will present “Enabling Next Generation Physical Layer Solutions” and host a workshop on “Serial 100Gbps electrical”.  With the above mentioned 50Gbps CEI projects nearing completion, the industry is beginning the task of addressing serial 100G electrical links.

OIF Presentation: Enabling Next Generation Physical Layer  Solutions

March 21, 2017 – 1:45pm–2:45pm – Expo Theater III

Moderator: Steve Sekel, Keysight Technologies, Inc., OIF PLL Interoperability WG Chair

Panelists: Ed Frlan, Semtech, OIF Technical Committee Vice Chair; Karl Gass, OIF PLL WG Optical Vice Chair; Tad Hofmeister, Google, OIF Representative

For more information on this presentation, click here.


OIF Workshop – 100G Serial Electrical Interconnect Needs

March 23, 2017 – 12pm-6pm

Los Angeles Convention Center

Level Two, West Hall – Room 518

To register for the workshop, click here.

About the OIF

The OIF facilitates the development and deployment of interoperable networking solutions and services. Members collaborate to drive Implementation Agreements (IAs) and interoperability demonstrations to accelerate and maximize market adoption of advanced internetworking technologies. OIF work applies to optical and electrical interconnects, optical component and network processing technologies, and to network control and operations including software defined networks and network function virtualization. The OIF actively supports and extends the work of national and international standards bodies. Launched in 1998, the OIF is the only industry group uniting representatives from across the spectrum of networking, including many of the world’s leading service providers, system vendors, component manufacturers, software and testing vendors. Information on the OIF can be found at http://www.oiforum.com.

OIF Concludes SDN Transport API Interoperability Testing

The Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) conducted a six-week long global testing of the Transport Application Programming Interface (T-API) standard from the Open Networking Foundation (ONF). The OIF managed the multi-location demonstration which started in mid-October 2016 and concluded in December 2016.  Vendor participants executed a multi-domain path selection and recovery test plan with intra-lab and inter-lab testing across five carrier labs located in Asia, Europe and North America. A technical white paper on the demonstration is available to download here.

“As operators move from SDN PoCs and lab trials into commercial deployments, lack of interoperability between the SDN controllers and the orchestration layer above has quickly become the biggest technical barrier for many operators,” said Sterling Perrin, principal analyst, Heavy Reading. “Building a standardized northbound interface and successfully testing interoperability across different vendors and different networks – as the OIF has demonstrated – is a major step forward in addressing the northbound interface challenge and bringing SDN architectures to wide-scale commercial use.”

OIF SDN Transport API Interoperability Demonstration

The Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) and the Open Networking Foundation (ONF) are leading the industry toward the wide scale deployment of commercial SDN by testing key Transport Application Programming Interfaces (T-API). The interoperability test and demonstration, managed by the OIF, addresses multi-layer and multi-domain environments in the following carrier labs; China Telecom, China Unicom, SK Telecom, Telefonica and Verizon. These carriers defined real world use cases including multi-domain orchestration of services delivered through Ethernet, OTN and optical switching. Carriers and vendors demonstrated how Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and SDN configured connectivity are combined to deliver service life cycle management.

Participating vendors include ADVA Optical Networking, Ciena, Coriant, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Infinera, Juniper Networks, NEC Corporation, Sedona Systems, and SM Optics. Consulting carriers include Orange and TELUS.  Academic and/or research institution participants include China Academy of Telecommunication Research (CATR) and Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC).

Additional information can be found here.

Participants in the OIF Transport SDN interoperability event also submitted a proof of concept demo proposal to ETSI NFV.  The proposal, “Mapping ETSI-NFV onto Multi-Vendor, Multi-Domain Transport SDN”, was accepted and details are located here. The open demonstration of NFV concepts in a Proof of Concept (PoC) helps to build industrial awareness and confidence in NFV as a viable technology. Proofs of Concept also help to develop a diverse, open, NFV ecosystem. Results from PoCs may guide the work in the NFV ISG by providing feedback on interoperability and other technical challenges.

“Being able to dynamically establish connectivity between Virtual Network Functions enables carriers to provide greater service agility and reduce opex,” said Jonathan Sadler, of Coriant and the OIF Interoperability chair.  “Integrating multiple technologies using transport SDN further enables the right connectivity mechanisms used for service delivery.  Having this demonstration recognized by ETSI NFV provides building blocks for the development of future SDN-WAN.”

Public Read-Out Event at OFC 2017

Tuesday, March 21, 2017 – 3:00-4:00 pm

Theater III, Los Angeles Convention Center

Moderator: Dave Brown, OIF President, Nokia.

Panelists: Jonathan Sadler, OIF Board Member, Coriant; Lyndon Ong, OIF MA&E Committee co-chair Networking, Ciena; Victor Lopez, Telefonica.


“SK Telecom is delighted that we have successfully tested interoperability using SK Telecom’s Transport Infra Orchestrator and T-API. The test proves that standardized T-API can be used to control multi-layer, multi-vendor transport network infrastructure in an integrated manner,”

said Park Jin-hyo, Senior Vice President and Head of Network Technology R&D Center at SK Telecom. “SK Telecom will continue to make efforts to develop 5G and network virtualization technologies to realize Network as a Service (NaaS).”

About the OIF
The OIF facilitates the development and deployment of interoperable networking solutions and services. Members collaborate to drive Implementation Agreements (IAs) and interoperability demonstrations to accelerate and maximize market adoption of advanced internetworking technologies. OIF work applies to optical and electrical interconnects, optical component and network processing technologies, and to network control and operations including software defined networks and network function virtualization. The OIF actively supports and extends the work of national and international standards bodies. Launched in 1998, the OIF is the only industry group uniting representatives from across the spectrum of networking, including many of the world’s leading service providers, system vendors, component manufacturers, software and testing vendors. Information on the OIF can be found at http://www.oiforum.com.

OIF Approves Agreement on Polarized Multiplexed Quadrature Modulator

Starts 112G inside Multi-Chip-Module Project, Google’s Bikash Koley speaks at Q1 Meeting

Members of the Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) recently passed an Implementation Agreement (IA) for an optical integrated Polarization Multiplexed (PM) quadrature modulator for coherent applications with nominal symbol rates up to 64GBaud. The agreement supports the 16QAM modulation format for 400G applications.

“As we go to higher data rates, we need higher performing optical components that maintain a reasonable level of complexity.” said Karl Gass of Qorvo and the OIF’s PLL Working Group – Optical Vice Chair. “These components are targeted for 400G applications.  RF bandwidth is the highest priority for this project.”

The forum members also started the CEI-112G in MCM project to support interconnect within Multi-Chip-Modules (MCMs). In addition to the CEI-112G-VSR specification that is being developed, there is a need to support high rate interconnect amongst large logic devices as well as to small driver devices within an MCM.

Members have also started a maintenance project to produce amendments to the User Network Interface (UNI) 2.0 and External Network to Network Interface (E-NNI) 2.0 specification documenting the extensions for support of OTN rates higher than 100G. Adding these extensions to UNI 2.0 and E-NNI 2.0 will facilitate vendor interoperability.  The project seeks to assist the IETF as it develops the required routing and signaling extension by providing a description of the Byond100G data-plane and the operations to be controlled by GMPLS.

Also at the forums’ Q1 meeting, Bikash Koley, distinguished engineer and director of network architecture, engineering and planning at Google was invited as a guest speaker and presented on the Zero Touch Network.

Following the quarterly meeting in San Jose, a well-attended FlexE workshop was held. An overview of the completed and in process FlexE projects was provided, along with presentations and discussion on the future direction of FlexE. The workshop started with a summary of the FlexE 1.0 Implementation Agreement and was followed by an overview of the active FlexE 2.0 project.  Speakers and panelists include Luca Della Chiesa, Cisco; Tad Hofmeister, Google; Maarten Vissers, Huawei; Dave Ofelt, Juniper; Tom Issenhuth, Microsoft; Scott Irwin, MoSys and Stephen Trowbridge, Nokia.


About the OIF
The OIF facilitates the development and deployment of interoperable networking solutions and services. Members collaborate to drive Implementation Agreements (IAs) and interoperability demonstrations to accelerate and maximize market adoption of advanced internetworking technologies. OIF work applies to optical and electrical interconnects, optical component and network processing technologies, and to network control and operations including software defined networks and network function virtualization. The OIF actively supports and extends the work of national and international standards bodies. Launched in 1998, the OIF is the only industry group uniting representatives from across the spectrum of networking, including many of the world’s leading service providers, system vendors, component manufacturers, software and testing vendors. Information on the OIF can be found at http://www.oiforum.com.

OIF Announces 100G Serial Electrical Interconnect Workshop

The Optical Internetworking Forum announced today a half-day workshop, open to the public, featuring subject matter experts from the OIF and an industry view by Alan Weckel of Dell’Oro.  The workshop will address 112 Gbps per lane serial electrical interconnect needs and will take place concurrent with OFC on March 23, 2017 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

In August 2016, the OIF began the CEI-112G project to define the serial electrical interface for next generation optical modules at 112 Gbps.  This technical work is expected to be the first of a series of CEI-112G clauses for various reaches, ranging from ultra-short reach interfaces designed for intra multi-chip module (MCM) communications to longer chip-to-chip interfaces.

“Operation of electrical interfaces at 112 Gbps speeds is feasible, but demands careful attention to some of the thorny technical issues that are involved and the technology trade off decisions that are going to be required,” said Nathan Tracy of TE Connectivity and the OIF vice president of marketing . “This workshop will present the multiple facets and perspectives for the 112 Gbps serial electrical development work including applications, equipment, optics, SERDES, connectors and channels.”

The first half of this workshop will focus on the industry view and application spaces for the next generation interconnects, including networking trends and cloud scale applications. It is anticipated that requirements for these application spaces are characterized by a combination of parameters such as:

  • loss budgets (distance, number of connectors),
  • electrical and optical data rates,
  • electrical channel properties,
  • power constraints,
  • equalization and retimers,
  • mechanical constraints (faceplate density, etc.)

The second half of this workshop will focus on potential electrical link and interconnect technologies being developed to support serial data rates of 100 Gbps and higher.

Workshop details can be found at http://www.oiforum.com/meetings-and-events/march-2017-workshop-100g-serial-electrical-interconnect-needs/


12:00pm:  Registration and Box Lunches

12:30pm:  Intro – Tom Palkert, OIF PLL WG Electrical Vice Chair, Molex

1:00pm:     Industry Analyst – Alan Weckel, Dell’Oro


Session 1 – User Demand

1:40pm:  High Level Systems

2:20pm:  Equipment Perspective

3:00pm:  Coffee break


Session 2 – Component Suppliers’ Vision

3:15pm:     Optics

3:55pm:     SERDES/semiconductor

4:35pm:     Copper cable/connector/PCB trace

5:15pm:     Wrap-up

6:00pm:      Informal Networking at local bar & grill (TBD)


March 23, 2017


Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA


OIF Members: $150.00 USD; Non-members: $200.00 USD (fee includes lunch).

OIF Members, click HERE to register.

Non-Members, click HERE to register.


About the OIF
The OIF facilitates the development and deployment of interoperable networking solutions and services. Members collaborate to drive Implementation Agreements (IAs) and interoperability demonstrations to accelerate and maximize market adoption of advanced internetworking technologies. OIF work applies to optical and electrical interconnects, optical component and network processing technologies, and to network control and operations including software defined networks and network function virtualization. The OIF actively supports and extends the work of national and international standards bodies. Launched in 1998, the OIF is the only industry group uniting representatives from across the spectrum of networking, including many of the world’s leading service providers, system vendors, component manufacturers, software and testing vendors. Information on the OIF can be found at http://www.oiforum.com.

OIF Announces SDN Transport API Demo Read-Out Events

The Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) is winding down a six-week long interoperability demo on the Transport Application Programming Interface (T-API) standard from the Open Networking Foundation (ONF).   The demo started in mid-October and will conclude in early December.  Participants executed a multi-domain path selection and recovery test plan with intra-lab and inter-lab testing across multiple global carrier labs. The results of the demo will be shared in three invitation-only read-out events at China Telecom, Telefonica and Verizon for participating companies. A public readout event will take place at the OFC Conference in Los Angeles, March 21, 2017.

“China Telecom is pleased to once again host the Global Transport SDN demo in our lab in Beijing.  Transport API for SDN is an important technology to simplify the maintenance and increase the efficiency of networks, which matches China Telecom’s CTNet2025 network re-architecting target.” said Mr. Chengliang Zhang, Vice President, China Telecom Beijing Research Institute. “This demo provided interesting and important results and key findings and was worthwhile for China Telecom to participate.”

“Telefonica is happy to have participated in the OIF SDN demo and to have hosted vendors in our labs,” said Mr. Juan Pedro Fernández-Palacios, Head of Transport Telefónica GCTO.  “The work to demonstrate interoperability for transport API among multiple vendors is important for the industry as a means to unlock and reap the expected benefits of SDN.”

“Shaping next-generation technology through discussion and collaboration is key to commercial SDN deployment. Verizon’s role as a host carrier for OIF’s interoperability testing of the global SDN T-API underscores our commitment to solving problems that will help evolve the efficiencies needed in the next-generation network,” said Glenn Wellbrock, director, transport network architecture, design and planning, Verizon.

Public Event at OFC 2017

Tuesday, March 21, 2017 – 3:00-4:00pm

Theater III, Los Angeles Convention Center

Moderator: Dave Brown, OIF President, Nokia.

Panelists: Jonathan Sadler, OIF Board Member, Coriant; Lyndon Ong, OIF MA&E Committee co-chair Networking, Ciena; Victor Lopez, Telefonica.


A technical white paper and an executive summary of the demo will be available in early February.

2016 OIF SDN Transport API Interoperability Demonstration

The OIF and the ONF are partnering to lead the industry toward the wide scale deployment of commercial SDN by testing key Transport Application Programming Interfaces (T-API). The interoperability test and demonstration, managed by the OIF, will address multi-layer and multi-domain environments in global carrier labs. The testing builds on the 2014 demo which was based on prototype T-APIs and helped advance transport SDN standardization. Additional use cases based upon the API standards will be clarified during the testing and defined through OIF implementation agreements to provide a common set of requirements. Global Carrier participants hosting the interoperability testing include China Telecom, China Unicom, SK Telecom, Telefonica and Verizon.

Participating vendors include ADVA Optical Networking, Ciena, Coriant, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Infinera, Juniper Networks, NEC Corporation, Sedona Systems, and SM Optics. Consulting carriers include Orange and TELUS.  Academic and/or research institution participants include China Academy of Telecommunication Research (CATR) and Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC).

Additional information can be found at http://www.oiforum.com/meetings-and-events/2016-oif-sdn-t-api-demo/


About the OIF
The OIF facilitates the development and deployment of interoperable networking solutions and services. Members collaborate to drive Implementation Agreements (IAs) and interoperability demonstrations to accelerate and maximize market adoption of advanced internetworking technologies. OIF work applies to optical and electrical interconnects, optical component and network processing technologies, and to network control and operations including software defined networks and network function virtualization. The OIF actively supports and extends the work of national and international standards bodies. Launched in 1998, the OIF is the only industry group uniting representatives from across the spectrum of networking, including many of the world’s leading service providers, system vendors, component manufacturers, software and testing vendors. Information on the OIF can be found at http://www.oiforum.com.